Like the title said how much mineral(s) do you have?
I have about 3500-3600 minerals, planning to get 999 on every type then sell it.
Like the title said how much mineral(s) do you have?
I have about 3500-3600 minerals, planning to get 999 on every type then sell it.
About 400 of each.
Saving them till they change the minerals system so that the playerbase can coordinate better on gate changes, or I get rewarded better for turning them in.
LOL I sell all my minerals whenever I return to Haven! =P Is there any specific reason to save up in minerals other than keeping a reserve or waiting for new gate policy?
A lot of players care more about the ability to attempt to influence the gates then the paltry amount of crowns you get from turning them in. See Project uJelly.
If you wanted to mine for specific mats, you need the gates to be certain themes. Need perfect snowballs or everfrost, gonna need to make the 4-6 strata freeze theme. Want to get in on the surging spark of life market? need to make the 5-6 strata shock theme.
Or if you feel like doing FSC runs this week and don't feel like having to go through a stratum 5 fiend theme, better save up minerals. Sometimes, it does not take much to throw a gate. Up until gate change time, the numbers are relatively close to each other. I personally made sure the current leftmost gate's 5th stratum be construct with just 6 blue crystals. The most I've seen to make a certain gate is a couple thousand of one color.
54 different types of mats (some number in the hundreds in amount).
I haven't sold minerals for a while now. I have about 1500 of 7500 or so total.
I think I have a little over a thousand for blue, purple and green, since the prices for those are quite crappy. I usually sell minerals when I'm strapping for cash, and usually its only those minerals that sell for at least 4 cr each.
2k of each..if i look at the dormant gates with the 5k-100k+ minerals, i really doubt i can influence anything and they arent really valuable either :O
Around 6K in total, I have managed to influence a stratum 6 by placing minerals at the last second.
0. :D I always prefer to get the crowns asap and just pick the minerals that are anti-Shock and anti-Fiend.
I'm somewhere in between master miner and marvelous miner on how many I've dumped in. Not counting. :D
None because I'm trying to get Master Miner.
About 120-150. I used to autosell a lot more when all crown payouts were 5 crowns but since its been lessened, I only bother when I just NEED that little extra. Unless there's a rare time when someone actually wants a specific gate.