NPC sell recipes cheaper than AH?
Im confuse
weird recipe prices?
Fri, 07/15/2011 - 06:26
Legacy Username
Fri, 07/15/2011 - 16:12
Legacy Username
The vast majority of recipes
The vast majority of recipes on the AH all come from basil who not only takes energy to get to but once you get to him he has a random assortment of recipes. They sell them for 13000 etc as a convenience. You could either run the dungeon all day spending energy and hoping your recipe comes up... or you can just go to the AH and spend a few extra thousand to get the recipe guaranteed.
Info on recipe prices (NPC):
The AH is completely dependent on players. What you see on the AH is what people put their recipe's buying price at. So Basil will sell his 5 star recipes for 25k, but some random player may put his 5 star recipe's starting bid anywhere from 5k to whatever he wants the price to start at. If you're lucky, you can buy recipes for cheaper on the AH but sometimes, you'll have to get them off Basil.