Shock Jellies in Danger Rooms (T3)

So, with one other person, we attempted a danger room on the first floor of Tier 3. It was a Jelly Room, but it had mostly those new shock jelly's... and it was practically impossible for us. Not only do they heal when they ignite themselves, they move so incredibly fast that its difficult to hit them. Plus, they can permanently stun lock you to death - happened to me twice, I got hit by one, got shocked, 4 others rushed in and I was permanently frozen due to the shock status, and all health gone in seconds. (Though honestly this occurs with every mob with shock status - wolvers do the same)
I know on their own or with just a couple, they aren't much of a threat: but in this danger room, we just couldn't get past it. Has anyone else dealt with this kind of danger room before? Did you get past it? The only way I can see is if we had a frost bomb of some sort. Swords don't seem to be an option, trying to close in on them just makes you too vulnerable to be permanently locked down. Alchemers bullets travel slow, so its difficult to hit them.

If shock heals them, then poison them.
Venom Veiler then Graviton Vortex them and see if they kill themselves by shocking each other to death.

I don't think they can shock themselves to death... but its worth a try if I ever get either of those bombs. Anyone else willing to try let me know.

They can't shock themselves to death. That would defeat the reason why Quicksilvers have the shock ability.

Poison now damages monsters when they are healed and gives an attack and defense debuff. ~Nick

Way to be behind the times, Shoebox.
"Poison no longer inverts monster regen, it simply prevents it from occurring. If a monster is healed by another while poisoned, it will still take damage."
...From today's release notes, more than an hour before you posted your pointlessly rude and unhelpful response. At very least, if you are going to offer strategy advice, try your own strategy first and verify that it works under the newest release conditions.

How exactly does that clarify anything?
They don't get their health regenerated, the only monster that has been known to do that is the Royal Jelly, where you could throw a Poison Vial at it and it would slowly kill itself.
It's not outright healing either, like taking a pill or getting a healing spell cast on them.
So it should still damage them.
But it's not clear as crystal.
Either way, having them stop from being healed is still entirely more useful than having them heal whenever they get close to each other.
Also, why should I have to prove anything?
I don't even play the game anymore, I'm just offering up possible solutions.
If people don't want to read them and insult me and other people on the forums, then maybe they shouldn't be on a forum where all there is to do is read in the first place?

Yes, Quicksilvers can damage themselves when they are poisoned as they are charging their shock ability. But that requires timing (and a bit of risk, naturally). If you're lucky and leave the Quicksilver just barely alive, it can shock itself to death.
However, if they are poisoned before regeneration, it simply won't shock itself. It will move on the offense instead.
I'm not sure if anyone has confirmed if Quicksilvers also heal when their Quicksilver buddy shocks them. That would be interesting to see.
tl;dr you need good timing if you want the Quicksilver to heal itself to death.

*Sigh* Having a dialogue with you is impossible, Shoebox.
You yourself said it wasn't "clear as crystal" - and yet when Pauling and Saphy offer evidence to the contrary, you act like they are personally attacking you (oh wait, look at the title and tone of your posts). Stop assuming people don't read what you have to say, it makes you look arrogant.
I appreciate your possible tactic and will try it when possible.
As far as I know, they're called Quicksilvers.
Anyhow, they're most dangerous in tight spaces.
They can also electricute each other at will.
They're WORSE than Oilers on fire.