Okay, this seems to happen to me a lot (too much) i try to log in, and it just DOESNT work, it says logging in forever and doesnt actually log me in (game over man game over!) I NEED TO GET IN FOR POWER SURGE WEEKEND GRARRLLESNAARLLS. anybody know how to speed it up? graphics quality? Doesnt work (the graphics quality doesnt seem to affect anything) and thats my only idea. i need some helps here! how can i enjoy my summers without SK?
changed the name of the topic to a more suitable name (how prestigous of me) (wow look at all my bracets =D)
Then SK needs to let people know better, like when you try to login it'll say "the server is currently down for maitenance, please be patient and we'll be back up soon!" OR something OR other. good gawd. when will the server be back up then?
How do you propose that happen? It would have to communicate with the server for the server to tell it it was down.
They announced 45 minutes in advance and every following ~5 minutes that the server was going down for maintenance. You are one of a tiny handful of people who happened to log on WHILE it was rebooting and didn't think to just try again 2 minutes later. This is not a pressing issue for OOO to "fix."
Actually when I logged on before the server went down it told me that the server would reboot/be down for maintenance. You must have messed that announcement by like a couple of minutes.
actually i tried a dozen times, and considering it takes about 3 minutes before it tells me ive been disconnected, im still confused ):
your continuous misspelling of maintenance is making me think you're under 13.
Lack of communication would be all that is needed. Send a ping, if it is not returned in 4-5 seconds... Have the game say the server is down and give a link to the forums or some other location where OOO can type server down times and any additional info. And for when the server is up and players ping, it would make such a small impact on amount of bandwidth used as to be unnoticeable.

"how can i enjoy my summers without SK"
you could always go outside and experience the real world -.-
spiral knights is instant gratification. swing sword>monster dies>get money. instant. real life takes forever.

While the main servers are down for maintenance, they can setup a temporary server in their place. This temporary server's sole function is to receive login requests from Spiral Knights client program and return error code/message. Then the client program displays it.
okay now it happened to me again. BUT i notice this happened at the same time. does this happen everyday at 2:00pm???
The server is down for maintenance.