OK I've done solo-ing every other dungeons but I haven't get to finish FSC (Firestorm Citadel) yet as I'm a bit stumped on what to do in the last room before Vana where there's spikes and flame trap with very little space to move around the room filled with Slag Walkers and Trojans.
I've got no problem against the slags alone since a single swing of my DA is enough to keep them from touching me. But once the trojan comes out, it's a bit of an issue. One trojan is doable but sometime the game pops out another 2 (making it a total of 3, but that's probably my fault so my bad) which makes moving around becomes much harder.
Care to share a strategy to deal with the situation? Right now I got a Vog Cub set, a DA, a S6, Shivermist and a Leviathan.
In each wave you should kill the Trojan before you kill all the slag walkers. The next wave is triggered after the death of the slag walkers. So if you've got a Trojan still standing when you kill the last slag walker you get another Trojan. You can kill all but one slag walker, but after that you really should focus on the Trojan. This way you're only fighting one Trojan at most until the last wave. In the last wave it spawns two as you probably already know.
This room is all about hit and run tactics for me, especially in the last wave. In that wave I wait for the fire to go down and run to where the monsters aren't. I hit as many slag walkers as I can on the way. Once I'm in the clear I fire at them from a distance. Repeat until most of the slag walkers are down. Then I switch my attention to the Trojans and beat on them for a while.
The key to not getting rushed by an off-screen Trojan is to constantly move in wide arcs so that it causes them to track you (when they're turning). If they're tracking you they won't charge (unless you stop moving). Keep moving, keep hitting, and know when to break off your attack. Also you should start making it a habit to track when the fires and spikes go down. Always move when that happens. Otherwise you'll get cornered.
Just for the record, I usually run FSC with DA, AP, Levi, and a random weapon I'm heating. If I had a shivermist my strategy would probably not be too different though. I imagine I'd try to keep the Trojans frozen while I cleaned up the Slag walkers a bit. Once I had some space I'd switch my attention to killing the Trojan(s).
I haven't had three Trojans out at the same time before. I'd probably try the same strategy above, but the chance for mistakes and bad timing is much greater.