It is true
I must shut up!
lol, what? I've borrowed around 75k-ish just ask my friend IGN- Rits
I take invites to T3, that's how you get to the core...
Ur shady as hell. Got a better idea for ya, start a regular clan that doesnt have the leader take money away from its members (obvi scam). I was in a clan called Ground Zero, they did jk runs constantly, added new people, helped with recipes. I love them to death and would like more clans like them. And stop asking to join fsc runs with 3* items , that screwed the fsc run for my friends who asked for my help. They ended up losing because it was my fault i invited u because i wasnt aware that a 3* would ask in for a fsc run.
btw, deleting all people i dont know, i was nice and just accepted all the friends requests help with questions and loans, but those days are over
In the jelly has/nor wants anything to do with this post.
That is all.
So what I make of this, is you want me to carry badly geared players through JP. Then after I'm done, I give you the crowns I make, so the people who put far less effort into these runs than I, get my hard earned crowns. In fact, I doubt I'll get very much of your share of crowns. If anything, I probably make more crowns than you. How do I know you'll be doing anything at all? You can just sit there all day, collecting everybody else's time and effort. Even if you do evenly distribute the crowns, you'll get tons of crowns for doing nothing.
Also, I don't care how many crowns your FRIEND trusted you with. I trust my friends with crowns too, and they pay me back, or I wont help get them recipes and such anymore.
Total scam. Guild will last a month or two, payment distributions made long enough for trust to be built up, then the bank will build up and leader will 'disappear' with it.

The Risen prides itself on having active, competent and trustworthy members. We do not house scammers or beggars and the OP is not among us.
~Gwen, Officer of The Risen
@lulzking, I'll have to use your format but faster, The only reason I hold on to the money ....wait it doesn't make sense... If we were to give the money per day, then it would but, we are not, so I guess it really doesn't make sense....
@dancinjen please delete my account on the guild site, thank you.
@digilinx that's ok
@Malleable If you are all doing the same type of run, including the leader?
@Yokai what if the guild bank person was you? What now?
@Gwenyvier Please delete my account on the guild site, thank you.

Now I am seriously confused - isn't Emberlight the... uuhh... 'town' right before T3 levels?
It's not THAT hard to get there. It's actualy easy if you are willing to revive once or twice (when soloing) or if you have at least decent party.
Also, Ninjajpbob, this isn't meant to be offensive, but...
You seem to have an urge to prove how good player you are and how much do you know about this game. With all your "Look how trustworthy I am!" posts...
Just seems to me that you are still kind of... confused... about this game ;)
I ... agree ... I guess, I'll start over... completely... what I've been doing, on the forums is a just a rediculous.
I prefer being blueiculus to being rediculus.
They say that red makes things go faster. As in, Rediculous Speed.
But that may not be the end of the story.
Engage bluedicrous speed!
"@Yokai what if the guild bank person was you? What now?"
It wouldn't be and it isn't. Generally speaking, guild banks are a bad idea because a 'guild bank' character generally makes it way too easy for one person to make off with everybody's money.
Too many stories from the heydays of Final Fantasy XI Online where a guild leader took off with a guild's bank, transferring servers and then using the bank to buy the materials to make a Relic Weapon or two (an act that at that time would normally take two years of gathering materials.)
LOL at this thread.
May I ask, out of curiosity, how old are you ninja?
Between the people being overtly hostile to the OP and the shameless guild promotion, this may be one of the worst threads to date.
@Yokai good point
@ Samshimi you just did...
@ JoshMK ty
First of all your name starts with ninja... Second you don't have t3 access but you've been to the core... What?!? This whole post says to avoid you like a plague.