i currently using a dusker set, owlite shield and tempered calibur.
i cant decide to use bom or gun for my 2nd weapon.
i saw many people owning the game jst by bomb, but gun is more practical.
any suggestion? and whats the name of a good gun or bomb for 3star onward?
2nd weapon choice?
Consider scraping together enough CE to buy a weapon slot or two. It'll last you 30 days, and prevent these agonising decisions :)
Scrap the Calibur, make a Nightblade, and use an Alchemer as your secondary.

2nd weapon? Why so limited? I'm using 4 and am very happy about it. 3 swords and a gun gets me through most situations solo.
Did you notice energy prices slowly growing, reaching 7k per 100 CE? Nice... for those who still own those 100k CE and all 5-star equipment.

It's probably better to go with a gun since you might get a bit beat up using the sword and you can use the gun to kite the rest
Yeah mang, you get on all the threads with your whine, step up your game yo.

I have a Fireburst Brandish, Nightblade, and Swift Flourish. I use two depending on the strata.
If I had a Tempered Calibur though, I'd pick a Kamarin for a second weapon. The pushback on the first swing is useful against gremlins and mecha knights.

pulsars, i find that they are good gun, especially for crowd control when going solo, and yes the leviathan blade is a good sword choice too
2nd weapon should be something that can aid you during tight situations. Turn your Temp Calibur into a Leviathan then go for Shivermist, Ash of Agni, or Neutralizer if you plan on doing solo a lot. Those guns really help the team as well. The Alchemers are good weapons too.
If you don't plan on soloing at all then feel free to go for the Nitronome, Valiance, or either the Volcanic Pepperbox or Blitz Needle. (WARNING: Do not try out the Volc Pepperbox or Blitz Needle unless you are an experienced user of the autogun series)

In order for a build to be viable, you need a sword, a gun, and a bomb. You can sometimes get by with less, but you'll be at a serious disadvantage in some places if you're completely missing one weapon type. Get a weapon slot unlock before you go on upgrading gear to three stars. The right two star weapon will work better than the wrong three star weapon.
If only could use two weapons it would be Shivermist Buster and Leviathan. Should be good for most level.