I'm pretty sure this should be in arsenal... or new recruits.. but I need to discuss this.
I just started to play SK like a month ago, and I starting setting my Knight just with looks (example, I got the wolver coat (yellow, I like it) and the spiral demo helm (also yellow) and I didn't care about what they protected me against blah and how they helped (UV's).
Now I have a lot of equipment going to be 4* plus my others that are 5*. Some of them have UV's (cheap and weak UV's)
The thing is that I never planned to have my arsenal well prepared.
(The thing I messed up with) After going to some FSC runs I saw this character using pure bombs... I was amazed of the power that person had. I got inspired... now I just got my Mad Bomber Suit... and the Heavy Demo Helm is in its way to 10... I still don't know what to do with that helm since it has no UV's and neither does the Mad. In a FSC run I wil die.. surely. (What should I do? Start from 0 with the set and get them UV's?? Get something to protect me?? Blah)
(People, plan your equipment... don't mess up like me)
For vanaduke I would have recommended Volcanic demo..
It's not about the UV's you get on your armor, it's more about the UV's on your bombs.
Charge time reduction is what you want. Get 3 bombs and a Sword, usually a Leviathan blade.