Lolz. But if I didn't claim it in a amount of days. I'm out of town right now, and won't be on as much. But lol. What time zine u in? Know the difference between urs and CST?
Merchant Update : Selling 6 5-star items, UV CTR VH Shiver/etc
CST? well I'm PST and it's 10:35pm, CST is central time, which I think is either 11:35 or 12:35, but you could correct me on that.
Either way, I guess I'll note that after this update goes live, the winner will have 24 hours to claim, else it will go to whomever is directly below them.
Of course, if you give a reason why you can't trade in that time, I'll extend it to 48 hours.

Ok. So 2 hr time difference. Being that I don't know when it's coming out (the update) I may not be able to claim within 24hrs since I'm spending time with my family. If that's not it, I'll be on the road back home. I HOPEFULLY should be able to claim it early though. Ty!

Send me a friend request too. Worst case scenario, (Not that I don't trust you) I mail you the CE and you mail me my stuff.

The reason why I said WCS is that that's a good amount of CE to be mailing. :p
It's fine, and as I said, if there's any reason at all that you simply can't get on in 24 hours, let me know and I'll extend it to 48 and catch you the following day.
Of course, that's assuming someone doesn't out-bid you :P
In fact, I suppose I'll throw up some buyout prices, come to think of it.

Noooooooooooooo. Buyouts are my worst enemy. I MUST buy this then b

Noooooooooooooo. Buyouts are my worst enemy. I MUST buy this then b

Noooooooooooooo. Buyouts are my worst enemy. I MUST buy this then b
...Really? I hate when things don't have buyouts. >.> Just yesterday I stayed up all night so that two items I was bidding on didn't get out-bid on the auction house while I was asleep. xD
Speaking of which, I'm going to get on SK now and check the AH.

The shiver is just too high... If it were only 10 or 11k... :(

I must do this then. I'm BUYING OUT the shiver and retracting my barb shield.
Updated OP with bought out/current offers.
Fix'd Vog Cub, realized it wasn't clear it was Vog Cub Coat.
Updated OP with In-game bid, included screenshot proof.
Posting to allow bidders to know that they were out-bid.
Merchant update going live today, I'll be contacting the winners when they're available.
IGN is Boolet, of course.
I'll leave the Gran Faust up for a few hours more, see if anyone cares to bid, if not I'll keep it for myself.
lol, 4000CE to unbind 5-star items. That is nowhere near the 800~1000CE I was anticipating.
Item reserves modified for obvious reasons.

I mean yeah I saw the prices but...

And there live. Therefore, it's mine.

I've been on, off now. May be on later 2nite. If not, I'll be on sometime 2morrow or next day.

I don't think this is gonna work out with our time zones... Therefore, can/will you extend the time? Won't be on tomorrow till early or late.

Taking out my bid sorry if you wish to negotiate price let me know

Yes, I'll negotiate but I think I may too, maybe even going back to 8k CE.
Sadly big, I might go for the 14k from when I thought unbinding would be 1000CE, but I upped prices considering unbinding is 4x as expensive as I anticipated.
And see, here's why.
2 and 3 variants don't matter to haze bombs. Period.
CTR is the only thing that matters. Damage bonuses don't apply to freeze or burn damage.
As such, 14k would be the lowest I'd go for. I don't anticipate CTR VH Haze's dropping in price, and they're worth 8-10k.
Given that this is upgraded to shivermist and level 10 heat, I think it's worth a little bit more than that.
Honestly, if 8k were all I could get for it, I'd keep it myself. 4k CE profit is not worth losing a VH CTR level 10 shivermist.

Yeah I noticed that, and I'm sad to say I'm not getting as im getting other things instead. I got a DA with Ctr low, med Asi, and beast or fiend low too though that I Uvd. Good luck selling all this! Sorry bout any inconvenience. Had NO IDEA WAS GONNA BE THAT MUCH TO UNBIND.
Yeah, me neither. It's no biggie, I'm not in a rush.
Considering nick said... where is it, so I can quote his lies.
Bah, it's not in the announcement, it was some random post. He said it was going to be "about the same cost to unbind as it is to craft"
Which I assumed that would be 800CE~1500CE to unbind 5-star items. Not freaking nearly 3 times that cost.
Of course I'll save it for you if you win...?
Meeting the reserve price means that once this update goes live, I'll unbind and trade to you ASAP.
Assuming someone doesn't out-bid you, of course. :P Then I'd unbind and trade to them.