when ever i do my charge attack, it only does 1-2 explosions? what could be wrong?
My Acheron only does 1-2 explosions.
My Acheron (sword) I have recently crafted only deals 0-2 explosions, unlike it claims in the SP wikia (2-3). The Silent Nightblade I had before, crafting this Acheron can only deal 0-1 explosions and that is when the weapon is lv 1 right till lv 10.
I have heard about this from one of my friends as well, as they explain it might be bugged in the codes, his work perfectly fine right up to 3 explosions with his Acheron.
I also have other friends who experienced this sort of bug, They said it my be that my Silent Nightblade had a Unique Varient and I just before I turned it into a Acheron, took the liberty of not transferring the UV then, it might still have the same problem as a it's predecessor. It only had up to 2 explosions...
Now I'm waiting for ooo to fix the problem after I sent in the bug report.
I've seen an Acheron that would do two explosions, but they were much farther apart than they should be. The Acheron I have does, when not obstructed, 3 explosions every time.
it must be 2+ explosions in free space, obstacles are situations, that logically dont count
in free space, my combuster used to do 2 explosions, i think the 3rd explosion is way too rare
The number of explosions is random-ish, typicall between 2 and 3 with the Acheron. I know sometimes it can be persistant in giving you only two, but it SHOULD sometimes do three.
Essentially just keep trying, and make sure the way is clear for all three explosions, as they are easily stopped by any ground obstacle.