Hello everyone,
there is one person in the game, who repeatedly makes "wrong trade"- he is selling Crystal Energy, or so he says. His name is [Redacted]. Please, be carefull, because he has already scamed a lot of people. He changes the trade on last moment, hoping you will not notice. If you do, he cancel and try again. Best luck!
P.S. If anyone has anything to say, please fell free to do it.
EDIT: Please see our forum rules regarding "naming and shaming". Thank you.
Anytime the deal is changed, the "trade" button is disabled until the timer countdown has finished. In a game where rising CE costs are stonewalling new players, some of these new ones and some of the older ones looking to take advantage of the new ones will try scamming people. This is not one of them. If you press trade, and you see your arrow light up, and suddenly the arrow empties of white and you need to press trade again, you know the deal has been changed.
There's no way to change a deal at the last second without the other person knowing unless the other person is not paying attention, which is the fault of the other player for being stupid.