How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
About 2 years Off and on in total altogether time about 1 year
How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?
ALot i do A lot of runs right now im doing a ton of JK to heat my obsidian weps but usually i do a lot of prestige and FSC
How often do you play Spiral Knights?
Quite often about 6 hours a day on the weekends depends on HW and schedule on weekdays about 3 hours
Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
Yes ik Fayite, Raphael-Sabrewing thats it
What guilds have you been a part of?
Unity, Legoland, and a few others along the way that i don't remember the name of
What is your in-game-name?
My IGN is Ibluesurge
Why do you want to join eos?
Well i have been in the same Guild for the last 7 months or so and my favorite guild people are leaving and Well it is just chaos.
how old are you (optional)?
16, But How old are YOU(optinal....)
Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)?
yea i have a mic*
If you saw Boswick in game would you poke him hug him or yell at him?
Meh i would probably just say hi, and it would depend on the mood im in probably just hug him (dont really know how to hug some one in SK though...)
Are you anti-social?
Defiantly not
What sweet delicious treats do you enjoy?
hmmmm that is a good question i love cadburys chocolates!
Do you play Spiral Knights naked or in a towel?
HA, in normal people clothes
Are Echoes really silent?
yes but no but also yes or maby?
Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
Well im a normal SK player i love flashy gear and costumes
1. I started playing about a year before missions came out.
2. There's lazy days and days when I need the, "stuff" from Basil.
3. I'd say I play it rather often, sometimes I get busy with IRL things.
4. Well, I've never really met or have been introduced to anyone, but I stalk them (Mainly Nj), does that count?
5. Well, at first, when I was in Tier 1 - Tier 2, I joined any guild, then when I got my IRL friends to play, we had a guild called Plasma X, then I made my own not for the friends after Plasma X fell called Shockwave, and that failed. I'm now in Tainted Perfection, I'm friends in the guild. If I were accepted to the Echo of Silence, I'd still associate with them.
6. My In game name is, "Captainshockwave".
7. Well, honestly, you all seem rather nice, and I'm not very noticed that much. EoS seems active friendly in the good and wrong way.
8. Well you see, I never learned to count very high, so far I'm stuck at carrot.
9. I'm not too fond of the, "mumble" and I'm still trying to rid of my squeaker voice, so I wouldn't comfortable using it.
10. Hug him or yell at him? I'd probably throw a snowball at him.
11. I can assure that I, a proud basement dweller sitting on the computer all day (Not really, just joking), am not anti social. But seriously I'm not anti social.
12. I like chocolate, and yellow snow, very tasty.
13. Why don't you come and find out, heh.
14. If you're deaf then they are.
15. Telling you about myself, eh... I don't want to take up the entire page with one comment.
Note for replying to application: I did not read the entire forum and due to all the comments which you willingly spend your time going through, please send me a message in game as a reply to my application, simply a yes or a no is fine. I will reward you with a very tasty snack, Yellow snow!