Overall I would find the unbind shop (coming soon) to be a beneficial thing. But, because I have sold full mighty cobalt, mighty defender, strike needle, full sunset, master blaster, super blast bomb, an alchemer gun, over 3 gunslinger hats, and a few other items all to vendors, I would be VERY mad because these items would have been worth alot unbound versus selling them to a vendor for a flat rate of 300, 1k, 4k, 10k, or 25k.
UNBIND SHOP - Good or Bad?
Why would you bother selling equipment to vendors? You have no pressing need for crowns and it's not like they're wasting inventory space.
Also I fail to see where it's relevant. The few people who would get mad aren't going to profit whether the update happens or not, they can't get back sold equipment. And the update makes the game better, as opposed to leaving it the way it is now forever.
That there would be an unbind feature in the future was pretty clearly stated when they first changed crafting to ensure that weapons remained bound as they're upgraded and there have been more detailed announcements since then. It wasn't a secret that it was coming, though it has been a long time coming. If you needed crowns before it got here, well, c'est la vie.
(Though I will say, I would rather the binding remain as it is forever, personally, but I've never been under any illusion that that would happen. Too many players want to be high-end crafters and too many players want to be able to buy straight into high-end items, and there's too much financial incentive for three rings to deny those wishes.)

If I run into a bug that wastes 10000 of my crowns, but can only strike an account once, then I don't want that bug fixed, because I want everyone else to have to suffer from the same bug.
Or wait. No I don't. I want the game to get better. Such as by allowing unbinding for crystal energy. That's the perfect thing to offer for crystal energy, as it doesn't unbalance the game for those unwilling to spend real money (since it doesn't create new weapons, but only redistributes them, and only voluntarily at that), but it does drive crystal energy prices down for them.
I'm curious why someone would vendor high tier equipment in the first place. There is no inventory limit, they sell for a pittance and all gear can at least be used as a costume if nothing else.
I also don't understand why you personally would sell not one, but THREE+ gunslinger hats. I mean... what were you doing?
ive sold some items too, its useful when ur switching gear and need some good startup money
unlike the few people, who are pointlessly complaining im happy i got something for my items, they saved me some farming
i would also like to kno what OP was doing, lol(join date = troll?)
Yeah I'm kinda stumped on this too... I really see no reason to vend any gear to an npc except non-uv haze bombs XD
It's been confirmed for months now that unbinding shop was coming , only person you should be mad at is yourself. As far as Unbinding Shop being good or bad, argument can go either way, but hell now we have something new to do.
I vendor Ancient gear all the time...30k for 10 Vana runs seems good no?
guess you should have thought about that before selling your hard earned CE and materials for nothing.