Which do you choose?
Your running in the clockworks, You take a left in a path ahead, You find one of each type of mineral.
You break them all, There are HUGE chunks! Lucky day for you, But you can only pick one.
Which one?
I pick Moonstone.
I'd ask my guild what currently pays off the most
I usually pick red. A bad habit from when people made arena only gates and we needed lots of red.
Blue is the only real choice, they are so purdy and rare! :3
<3 the moonstone

I am Shoebox, and I am here to ask you a question: Is a Knight not entitled to the Crystal Energy of their own helmet?
No, says the Stranger in Haven. It belongs to the elevators.
No, says the Gremlin in Emberlight. It belongs to energy revives.
No, says the Slag Walker in Almire. It belongs to Lord Vanaduke.
I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose...
The Core!
A place where the Knight would not fear the balance patch.
Where programmers would not be bound by Whitespace.
Where the Vitapods would not be constrained by Numbers.
With the Crystal Energy of your helmet, The Core can become your city, as well.
uh... so what does that have to do with the topic?
I always pick Valestone out of habit. My guild and I always liked to get all the Valestone we could and fill the gates with it because we never knew what it did
I never had a particular preference - I usually just grab whatever's the largest in general, and if there are conflicts, I check which one I have the least. If I have equal amounts of THOSE, I just tend to grab whatever's closest.
Unless it's red, at any rate. These days, I'm sick of red.
I would choose moonstone, but because people boost mostly crimsonite, I take usually crimsonite.