Let me get this straight.
When two accounts have the same e-mail address, their Mist Energy is synchronized?
Correct me if I'm wrong.
Energy synchronization?

on the same computer they share mist energy
same email, no they don't

Now that's just weird.
Would that be considered a glitch?
I still don't know what the need for multiple accounts or even knights is...

For mass crafting 2* gear in hopes of UV's with mist energy.
Think, if you had 10 accounts with all different ME pools, thats making 20 2*gears every other day, which is a lot of rage crafting (and dont kid anyone, the most expensive part in rage crating is the CE cost)

It's not a glitch. It's specifically to prevent abuse of mist energy. However, what hasn't been mentioned yet (in this thread; this has of course all been discussed before) is that the accounts will no longer share mist if you purchase CE for real money on them.

Do you have to purchase CE with real-life money? I don't understand.
And also, my little sister has a different account from me, but on the same computer. It isn't really fair when I use up my mist energy and she is unable to (and vice versa).
Its not fair but I'm sure people have abused it. I guess paying 2.45 for the cheapest package will solve it though. It sucks though, no matter what you will always share Mist Energy (unless you buy CE I guess someone said)

Yes, you have to purchase CE with real-life money. You may have to purchase CE with real-life money on both accounts, but I'm not sure about that. You may only have to make one of them a paid account for it to work. Anyone know?
This kind of situation is why Three Rings allows each paid account on a single computer to have its own mist. Families should be able to play on multiple accounts. It would be nice if you didn't have to pay for it, but allowing people to make multiple free accounts with separate mist is just too abusable. The cheapest CE package is a small enough price to pay. You'll get separate mist forever, once you pay.
Isn't there also a limit to how many accounts you can use on one computer? Thats just as annoying I bet but I guess thats abusable too. New account > Mist Tank > Repeat. You could spend a day's Mist Energy and get 10x that back

There is only a limit on free accounts. You can have as many paid accounts as you like.
Yes, but not their Cr. Makes things frustrating when you try to "level" multiple characters....