I was cheated by a player named (Redacted)
He gave me a deal that 100CE and 5k to make an dusker cap
But he took my cr and ce then disappeared
what should i do?
I know I was stupid but I want to know if anything I can do
and I want to tell you guys that never trade with him
help....i was cheated
The easiest way not to get cheated like this is to ask the guy to put items into the trade window in advance.
After you've been fooled the best you can do is complain using the aforementioned command. It would be nice to save a screenshot before the trade and when the trade took place and there is text in the chat part of the screen where the guy states he'll make something and give it to you after receiving money/energy/materials from you (in Steam you can save screenshots with a hotkey, which one - check Steam settings).
I'm afraid you're not getting your stuff back without proof. Just get over it and learn your lesson - never trust anyone xD
Hmm... beware of that player whose nick is (Redacted) - also known as [Redacted], he's thief and scammer!
Don't trust Redacted, he will cheat you!
Sorry, it's just funny.
If you need to give materials and such to someone to make a recipe ask for some valuable things as "warranty" first.
complain made...
thank you for you guys' suggestions
Or just have him craft the gear first, then exchange it with the mats/cr/ce needed in trade...
it's not a warranty, it's called collateral.
Type ingame: /complain his_nick_here