Lord vanaduke shares the same weakness as undead so he's weak against elemental ,but the cold iron vanquisher has high damage against undead but vanaduke isn't really undead so...is it effective against him?
Is cold iron vanquisher effective against Lord Vanaduke?
Mon, 07/18/2011 - 03:32
Legacy Username
Mon, 07/18/2011 - 05:15
Type bonuses no, but bonus
Type bonuses no, but bonus against slimes seems to boost my damage against JK.
Mon, 07/18/2011 - 06:14
Legacy Username
Vanaduke is not weak against
Vanaduke is not weak against Elemental. He's weak against Piercing.
Damage bonuses against fiends and beasts have been tested on him. They don't work. Vanaduke doesn't actually have a creature type, far as we can tell.
Mon, 07/18/2011 - 07:39
Legacy Username
Lord Vanaduke is only listed
Lord Vanaduke is only listed as Undead on the Wiki because it slightly fits his lore. This should really be fixed, as people are basing their entire sword line on this sometimes.
Is this thing about him being affected by damage to Slime UV's true?
Boss monsters are not affected by any damage bonus' on our weapons. Read it on the wiki i think ..