Old logo vs New logo.
I kinda like the new logo, but the old logo grew on me.
It looked very awesome because of the whole gears on fire in the background.
I'm wondering why you all changed it.
(ps: I wanna hear your two cents on the logo)

I just don't understand why we have a puzzle piece. It looks pretty, but I'm not quite sure what it has to do with Spiral Knights. There are more puzzles in YPP...

The puzzle piece is just for the wiki, because you guys are piecing everything together there.

Personally I like the old logo more I feel like the new logo is a bit childish looking, but dont know the target market of Spiral Knights so they may be shooting to get younger kids instead of a broader market.
The old logo was better. It was more spiral than knight. And the new one has a sword in the letters, which is just... I'm surprised people are still doing this.

I do note that even though the puzzle piece is just for the wiki, it does show up in game... barely. (Recipe and material icons.) I do like the old logo better, but this one is pretty awesome as well.
I dig the new logo--if you could change the icon for the client so it matches the new logo, I'd dig it more.

Just the contrast between the two logos.
I do prefer the original, overall.

I think it's just one of those mistakes that you never talk about.
Like waking up next to Snooki.

The new logo isn't bad, but it seems much more cold and metallic, which is at odds with the warm, cutesy style of the rest of the game.
For knights that are supposed to be stranded on a foreign planet fighting for our lives, we certainly spend a lot of time fighting cutesy puppies and dressing lavishly... the sci-fi aspects are, apart from the logo, very much downplayed right now. (especially once you get past 1-2* gear)
I dont like the new one, its WAY too complicated for me, it took few secs to find all the letters :o i liked the old one, it was simple, and it worked.

I also prefer the overall design of the old one but the new one looks more polished but childish too. (It makes me think of lego) If they could get that shiny effect of the letters and apply it to the gear on the old logo, I think it'd look really good o3o

I do have some actual criticism for the logo.
That S looks really out of place. It's too round looking and it makes it look smaller than the rest of the letters.
And at the start of SPIRAL, it kind of looks tacked on to the front because it's so close to the P.
Other than that, it's okay.
The new logo isn't bad by any means, but the original has more of a personal feel too it.
I laugh at the new logo... don't ask me why... :)