I'm sure u all saw my last stupid post on how to open the core, but I have thought it through.
If they would just build the core and let us in rather then making us collect minerals and expect us to believe that if we keep collecting minerals that we will open it. If the core is going to be in the game, why can't they just give it to us? We have made it to T3 and we need more! Minerals won't get us anywhere for now! If you really want to know how the core will open, ask OOO! It is a waste of CE for us to travel all around looking for them. Wait for them to give us the core. We deserve the core, and besides, why do we need minerals anyway if all the stratums will be finished soon anyway? They will be useless to knights and wouldn't help build anything. Minerals only open new stratums, not the core.Disregard my last post, all commentors I give thanks to, for helping me out of my theory comment what you think, and y we should have the core!
...it doesn't work that way. The energy distortion only indicates a boss stratum.