Popular atm? Is it due to the arenas that are there? Tier 3
Is that green chair level thing...

I think he is referring to the Jade/Emerald Titan gate... not sure though.
WTH is a green chair thingy? I also like how the second question implies that the first has already been answered.
@Gwen - Yes he is but its pretty hard to act serious in a situation like this where someone isn't even competent enough to read the gate's name or even do a better job of describing it.
Yeah he is, but he posts a lot of really.... Dumb things. I don't think he's played this long, and still knows so little. He has to be trolling.
@Malleable(1) - From Wikipedia: In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion. ~ I'm not going off-topic, it is totally related to SK.
@Gwenyvier: Yes the Jade/Emerald Titan gate , I didn't read the name nor had steam on this computer, but do you know if it has many arenas? I've been there once with someone and for almost every other lever there is an arena. I discovered that the friends that had played at the Silver Pawn gate where you can access FSC after the terminal, have been going to the the Jade/Emerald Titan gate, possibly due to the fact that it would be more challenging, and profitable.
@Yoshipatrol For some reason it looks like a chair/recliner/sofa to me, maybe I haven't looked at it closely: http://goo.gl/yfECy just look at this.
@Malleable I agree, but you've only responded to two posts (not including this one). Or maybe you have read all of them, I don't know.
About the FSC, I'm pretty sure (not completely) that Jade Titan may be the new Vanaduke gate. I'd have to check though. And yeah I had someone else try to describe what the Titan was, seriously though its not hard to read the gate name. Finally, you just contradicted yourself by telling Malleable you're not trolling then agreeing with Malleable.

It seems more likely that Malleable and Yoshipatrol are the trolls here. You two are clearly off-topic as well as insulting. The guy asked a question, just because you don't like the way it is asked does not give you the right to start name-calling.
Arenas are fast and simple and have high returns, I think that's why most people prefer those.
@Yoshipatrol, I meant that they maybe not all of them were 'useful', it is obvious that you did not read what I stated in the first part of the reply.
@xiax Thank you! Finally, there is someone who can actually read and interpret information. Thank you again for your repsonse.
Sorry, but this brings me to another question, is if possible that the level was slip to Arena-FSC ? Because I remember going to another arena after the terminal, maybe it changed, and players now get the best of both.
Just because wikipedia gave you the definition doesn't mean it's all-inclusive, and in this case it certainly isn't. Definitions of words change gradually over time, and this includes trolling. A "troll" is not only someone who does all the aforementioned in your definition, but also makes exceedingly stupid posts -- intentionally -- to try and get responses of rage and derision from the community, generally addressing how someone could be so incredibly stupid.
That's why, if you go around a lot of forums (not necessarily here), you'll see lots of people expressing uncertainty over whether they believe the OP is trolling or is just an idiot. It's the main origin of the meme phrase "not sure if srs," because people can't tell whether the poster is being serious, and therefore a moron, or not serious, and is actually trolling.
Personally, I'll call stupidity. You could easily answer your own question by checking the gate yourself whenever you have the chance, an act that takes maybe a minute from login to the walk to the arcade. It tells you the population and it also shows you the levels. If your argument was "but i couldn't go look at anything because SK isn't on this computer" then my answer would be "then you really don't need to know, just check it next time you log in, there is no reason you need advance knowledge of this info."
If you're going to post topics to the forums, at least give them some credible substance. I get the impression you just want to make posts here.
This is me just wanting to make a post.
But Shrink is absolutely right.
I guess I ask questions out of sheer stupidity, but not to rage the community.
I don't want to make posts for fun just to have a name or something... I mean if I don't put well thought out posts, the the majority of community members time is being abused by me.
I'll try to cull it down to Absolutely necessary discussions.
Thanks for the constructive criticism.
I'm officially convinced, you are a troll.