So, this guy started talking to me about how much crows he had. He didn't believe me that I had 300k crowns so I showed him via trade. Then in the conversation, he, almost directly I showed him my crowns, started talking to me about how he got banned for attempting to sell his account but "he wasn't really trying to sell his account he was trying to sell his second guild" WTF. Then he said something like "if you trust me I can sell it to you though" Then I filed a complaint, because one, being honest, if it's against the rules I'm not going to take the risk to do it; and two he probably would have just took my money anyways. Btw if the devs look at my chat in the complaint... I just added a funny quote from Shoebox to try to make it sound like I felt sympathy for him.. XD
His/her? name can be provided if needed but won't be given by default for obvious reasons.
Oh and if this isn't even against the rules, or shouldn't been taken care of with a complaint, I apologize for inconveniencing whoever is lucky enough to check out all the complaints.
Thanks for reading/replying,
Attempting to sell an account is grounds for a permanent ban. The complaint has bee filed, it will be dealt with by the GM team properly. No need to name names here.