I don't exactly want to be the very best (like no one ever was) - I just play this because it looks fun and interesting, and I much prefer interesting conversation to quiet minutes whittled away with people who I only have a weak mutual disinterest in. It's either pathos or kismesis for me. Heh. I enjoy the fine art of conversation and wordwielding even though I'm not very good at it myself; nor does a prospective guild need to have some sort of 'only insane typists here, lawl' codex in place; friendliness and conversation are far more important. I don't really like voice chat, actually to be more blunt - I have no interest in doing that, ever. Basically, looking for gentlefolk to discuss the good old days of future past with, while providing cover fire because I am a coward. Er, gunner. Make that gunner. We shall drink black tea and discuss ritualry and circumstance and novels and recipes! It shall be the best of times, and the worst of times! Or something like that.
So, whaddya say? Any takers? Failing that, anyone with an interesting insult? I'll be here, huddled in a corner and looking pensive as I f5 breathlessly and await your mastercrafted replies.
My IGN (is that in-game-name?) is Languidity. Message me, pozaluista.
For some reason I read 'circumstance' as 'circumcision'.
Fine passage you have there sir.