Look at image #6 in Forum Preferences (under Edit tab).
Look very closely under the knight's arm.
Look at image #6 in Forum Preferences (under Edit tab).
Look very closely under the knight's arm.
You oughtta get the Splash Sarong ASAP to fix this.
Just wear a Spiral Flak Jacket. :-| Nothing there, really.
WHen you equip a girl set, your knight(you) girly runs
when in guy set you actually legit run.
in haven i witnessed this.
and yes, my spiral cutlet armor has boobs the size of basketballs. emberbreak set is a bit better.
many girls also wear snarbolax armor sets. i once got friend request from a girl in snarby set in haven 2.
how to combat this problem, wear brute jelly set.
Well that comment has been nagging me so ill correct it now
All armors have the same run, with arms sticking to the side, every set has this and I don't see how you think they're different
"Basket balls" hate to inform you of another obvious fact but they're smaller than knights' hands
Snarby set is popular with most sword users in general, and there is definitely no gender that uses it more than the other, plus you said "once" a single user is not definite proof of a statistic
I'm pretty sure that's a troll, but if you actually believed this then I have to ask, do you have an account named nertgvv or epicskunk?
Have you ever heard of schrodinger's cat? Of course you have'nt. It states that when a cat is placed in a box with a poisonous mist bomb set off to go off at a completely random time until that box is opened the cat is both alive and dead. Knights always wear their armor so this rule states they are both male and female. I call this Schrodinger's boobs.