beggars in a game. I mean really?
I've never seen so many
No one is forcing you to help them at all or even pay attention to it, if it bothers you just switch to a less crowded haven.
But I agree, begging for items on a game (specially on a free-to-play) is just shameless, like they gonna starve if they don't get a 5 star weapon NOW.
Lol, yeah, beggars are in every MMO.
The beggars here on SK remind me my good ol' times on WOW :D
The good thing about WoW is the beggars have died down, since it's so easy to get gold now. Anywhatever, every mmo has plenty of beggars. RS in particular has a HUGE number of beggars. Get used to it if you're playing a game with a ton of 12 year olds.
I just tell them to go outside on the street (in real life not in game) and beg for quarters and then when they have $2.50 to buy 750 Ce in game.
I like to say, "You pay real life money to come beg for fake online game currency?" But that line only works in a subscription game.
If you really want to annoy a beggar, what you can do is offer a trade and put 1000 CE or 50k crowns or something like that in, so that they can see it, but then don't click accept. Minimize the game and do something else for a while, and see how long they sit there waiting for you to not accept the trade.
Ah yes. I've played many MMORPGs and they usually come towards you with "moni plz" or more general "[x] plz".
So I like to say "If you say 'plz', because it's shorter than 'please', then I'll say 'no', because it's shorter than 'yes'.".
Double-^, Win. :D
I've never helped a beggar.
I've helped new people who got scammed tho.
You clearly haven't played many online games.