See topic. When I saw the update notes and saw the changes to Jigsaw, for a moment I thought "hey, awesome, not only was it in the Beast stratum for the gate that passed, but it's in the Beast Stratum for the current "new" gate, that must mean it's Beast!"
Nope. Constructs. Nothing but bloody Constructs.
What. The. Hell?? Did Constructs REALLY need their own "personal" zone?? Because didn't they just get their own boss stratum? And are they not in abundance in EVERY OTHER ZONE, IN EVERY OTHER STRATUM, IN EVERY OTHER GATE IN EXISTENCE???
Look, maybe I'm just being a tad selfish, but I have enough of every construct material - barring Sun Silver - to satiate my needs for well past the point when this game stops being interesting. You know what I am lacking? Bushy Tails. Warp Dusts. Primal Ore. You know what gets the least representation in most stratums that are NOT it's own Monster type?? Beasts!
The cube jellies feel out of place there, their color doesn't fit the groove the place had going. All the wild and tall grass really was suggesting the occasional beasts it used to have.
Maybe I'm just too used to how it used to be, and now it IS simpler to me; but still feels like they're missing...