Trading Post

4 replies [Last post]
Legacy Username

I'm almost afraid to suggest this because it's so cliche, but it would be really nice to have a place to buy/sell/trade items. I'd be more likely to spend more energy crafting stuff if I could track down that one missing material in the recipe.

Cake's picture
I like the idea of something

I like the idea of something like this, but I think as the game gets larger this could potentially become too large. However this could be minimized by having it associated with a specific town or a trading post in your guild hall. I personally lean toward having both. In guild halls it would provide a place for guilds to work together to help each other out in private.

Legacy Username
Trade economies are good signs of player involvement.

A trading board would be nice. A searchable way of posting a want list and a have list coupled would be awesome. It would also be nice if we eventually have the ability to send a message/trade with other players who are offline short of fudging it by unfriending and re-friending them with a message.

Nick's picture
A trading channel should be

A trading channel should be up soon and as for an auction house, we all would love to see one in the game.

Legacy Username
I just had an on-the-spot

I just had an on-the-spot idea for a player-driven shop system. It's not quite a trading post at all, but it could have some relevance - simply allow players that go into the post to put up some items they have for sale, and when other players are searching to buy, they'll have a search menu to go from and see all of what's being offered.

Sorry if I don't make any sense. I *just* woke up and haven't had any coffee yet.