i just recently bought a sealed sword with uv low construct for 900 ce as i hate doing the jk.
was it a smart move??
just bought a sealed sword for 900 ce. was that a smart move???

If you consider it takes an average of 7 trips through JK to get the required seals and at 80 energy per trip thats about 560 energy + 600 CE to unbind a 3* piece of equipment, and another 15k CR or 300 CE (at approximately the current rate) then I would say you made a decent deal.

ohh thank god i thought i got ripped off
like last time i got Stone Tortoise for 500 ce

Please explain? o.o I know not everyone is the same, but I F**KING LOVE JK RUNS. Got Faust about a week ago, and got 2nd sealed sword a few days after that. Can I do JK runs with you to.... observe? o.o
No it is not a good deal at all. You can get one for yourself for almost nothing.
"The unbinding fee is something like 600CE already, the guy looks like he dropped that to you for a small 300CE benefit only!"
Why consider ONLY the other persons profit? There's a third party getting CE, OOO.
"If you consider it takes an average of 7 trips through JK to get the required seals and at 80 energy per trip thats about 560 energy + 600 CE to unbind a 3* piece of equipment"
This isn't how economics works. Compare what it costs YOU to buy one vs what it costs YOU to earn one. If unbinding costs 10,000CE would you be getting it at at steal at 10,001CE? NO! The opportunity cost is the choice you missed out on by choosing what you did. If you can earn one at ~600CE why would you pay ~900 to buy one?
Lastly, it does NOT cost 560CE to do JK runs; it would only cost 560CE to do JK runs if by some miracle you managed to avoid every crown and material in every run. In fact, the runs are free. At current exchange rate, the crowns you get from run pays for the trips (not to mention mats+heat). The only thing you gained is avoiding actually playing the game. I don't see why you need a SS if you don't like spiral knights.
tl;dr: Under no circumstance will any trade that involves unbinding be profitable for the buyer. OOO will eat your lunch with the binding fee.

I would say that 900CE for a sealed sword was a total rip off, if it wasn't for the fact that I've been selling them like crazy for close to 1000CE on the AH (after fees).
Two weeks ago, I was trading jelly gems for sword stone to do *something* with them. Today, I wish I had more than 200 of them. Although, honestly, I wouldn't use more jelly gems for sealed swords, antiguas are *far* more profitable.

Think about what Mayou said. He says that it takes about 560 CE for the trips going to and from the Jelly. This is give or take depending on if you start from the very beginning of tier 2 and also times where you have failed. The way I got mine took less than 560 CE. Most likely it would have been the same for you. So knowing this, you could have gotten it for 560 crowns, but then you have to consider the crowns you make from the JK trips. In the end the cost of the energy matches what you have earned from the trips, including a little extra. So you got the sword for 900 CE, thats 340 extra you paid. You could argue that 340 CE is the effort that you are paying for, but 340 CE is nearly the cost of alchemizing a 4* item, so I'll leave you to ponder that. Now knowing all of that, you could see why we need to disregard 600 CE for unbinding as part of the cost, since if you had earned it yourself, that extra 600 CE would not need to be in the cost.
In short, no it was not a good deal. If you really wanted it, but didn't want to do JK at all then maybe, but honestly, you would have been better off earning the tokens.
You could have used a lot less than 900CE to learn how to do Jelly Palace runs, going to the Jelly Palace Buddy thread to look to people willing to help you get there for even less than that, support each run with a number of crowns and materials that could have potentially fueled your next dive, effectively negating the 80-something or less CE you used for it previously + a small extra to add to your income.
But if you have the money and not the time to bother...still not sure if it was a good deal. But as long as your happy.
Whether it was worth it or not depends on just how much you hate Jelly King runs.
Ignore that... I don't know why I thought the Sealed Sword was 25 tokens.

Don't forget he had to put a UV on it for 15k as well - 300 CE so you literally paid the value of the sword. Good price.
You can get a sealed sword completely free.
How? Patience.
You get 100 mist everyday.
It costs 80 a run. Let's say you die, you still have 20 to spare.
And even one of those runs will pay off for 100 ce, if you're a clumsy one you can use that to revive I guess.
Repeat a few times.
Makes sense. :I
1) Go to the auction house. Look at the going rate (Sealed Sword lowest b/o: 50k)
2) Add 15k because the UV was pretty worthless.
3) Convert going rate into Energy
100 Energy = 5k right now. 65,000 Crowns / (5000 Crowns / 100 Energy) = 1300 Energy
Yes, it was worth it. It has absolutely nothing to do with how much or how little you hate jelly king, nor does the difficulty / time spent / mats you gained during the runs matter.
Going price is 50k crowns. Even discounting the UV on it (Added free bonus), that's 1000 energy. You effectively paid 45000 crowns for something worth 50000 crowns.
Worth it.
You wouldn't really spend anything to get the sword with tokens because you'd getting usual rewards that'd you'd be getting doing runs, anyway.

Why don't you just go to kill JK? It's much more cheaper. A whole T2 Jelly run (from the beginning to the end, not from the start of RJP to the end) will always allow you to buy another 100CE. So if you just continue playing throughout the day 7 times (or less if you get 4 token on some runs which is extremely rare and only happened to me twice), you can get a Sealed Sword.

Don't forget he had to put a UV on it for 15k as well - 300 CE so you literally paid the value of the sword.
Why should the buyer care *AT ALL* how much it cost to put a crappy UV on something? It is still a crappy UV. I also don't care if the seller had to revive 50 times to get the jelly gems, or if the paid to unbound it, rebound it and then unbound it again. What something costs has no relationship to what something is worth, other than most people *try* not to over spend.
If the Sealed Sword had a UV on it, then honestly it was only worth what that UV was worth, no additional fees.
Sealed Sword has no value, it can be obtained for free. Doing Jelly Runs not only would have net you more Heat and Crown, but Energy as well as the Sealed Sword.
You lost out, big time.
"Yes, it was worth it. It has absolutely nothing to do with how much or how little you hate jelly king, nor does the difficulty / time spent / mats you gained during the runs matter."
Not true. Just because it's cheaper than the average price doesn't make it worth it. He can't sell the thing for a profit (unless he finds a buyer for above 1500 CE), so the opportunity cost of buying the sword is Jelly King runs, and nothing else.
Everyone here who says he didnt get a good deal is forgetting the fact that to do a full JK run takes an average of 1 hour. Then it would take 7 hrs to get a sealed sword. Now while some may find JK fun and enjoyable cause they get heat, materials, crowns, etc. not everyone does. The OP even made this point in his original post.
So if he is making more than the crowns to get 100 CE per hour though other means then he has made a good deal. Heck I can make 900 CE in about 3hr from crafting and selling on the AH. Which would mean that running RJ for me is less then profitable and thus buying a SS with a UV for that amount is infact a good deal.
Honestly some of the people here really get riled up by the fact that someone doesnt want to delve into the clockworks every single minute they are in game. If you can find a way to make more money from a JK run then I do from crafting then good for you. If you can find a better way to get a SS with a UV without spending 7+ hours doing JK runs well then good for you. Did the OP buy an item he wanted for a fair price then the answer would be YES.
Well at least that's a cheap sword. The unbinding fee is something like 600CE already, the guy looks like he dropped that to you for a small 300CE benefit only!