The players need to know what's being updated. Please post patch notes for the last two updates.
There have been two patches since the Merchant Update, and yet no new Patch Notes.
Thu, 07/21/2011 - 14:52
Legacy Username
Thu, 07/21/2011 - 15:08
Legacy Username
Did you even look in
Did you even look in Announcements?
"A small bugfix release went out today that addressed a few issues related to the new Unbinding Forge."
If you want more, you can apply this message to any patch and feel well-informed:
"Fixed various issues."
Thu, 07/21/2011 - 15:10
If you check the post times you would notice that Otrapas posted before the notes were released, which is why he posted this thread in the first place.
I know reading is hard, but at least try.
It seems one update was posted. That's good.