Sometimes when i kill a monster and someone is standing near me,most of the time they get all the items,is there a button that allows me to get more of the drops then anyone else,if not please fix this T_T(also please dont tell me to put this technical support becuase people barely answer on technical support)
Unfair takings
All the crowns, heat, minerals and stuff are shared except for the materials which are randomly distributed.

It doesn't matter who picks up anything that drops from monsters except for vitapods and the items that go up into your bar at the top. Crowns and Heat are cloned to everyone in the party, hearts are instanced, and materials are distributed entirely at random.
What drops are you talking about? Heat and crowns are distributed evenly amongst all party members. Materials are granted randomly. The only way to assure yourself 100% of the material drops is to play solo.

I was assuming he was talking about mats.
No they aren't "distributed" or split between the members.
Quote from the wiki
"When a knight picks up a crown or token, everyone in the party immediately gets that crown or token."
"When a knight picks up a heat ember, everyone in the party immediately gets that heat. "

Most items are automatically distributed, so it doesn't matter who picked it up.
So... how is that not evenly distributed? Everyone is given the same share. Are you implying I think that one crown is divided four ways when picked up? Because that is absurd.
That's what it sounded like lol. Sorry.

Unfair takings
is there a button that allows me to get more of the drops then anyone else...
..Are you complaining about other players gaining drops "unfairly" or just wanting an option for it? I can't tell. >>;
I'm mind-blown by this absurd idea...

I think the original poster doesn't understand that everything is shared .. just because some other player "picks up" the money doesn't mean you do not get it too...
It is a bit misleading that tokens appear above everyone's head but coins don't. In fact, I only recently found out coins were shared, and didn't realize heat was shared too until I read this thread. It would be nice if there were an NPC that explained it or something.

IMO it should be obvious that crowns are shared to you...
Crowns and heat are not 'distributed', they are 'duplicated'.
The concept that every player receives every point of heat and crowns is not at all intuitive, and I don't believe there is anything in the game that suggests it.
I sat still while another player grabbed coins, and then we compared crown totals. That drove me to the wiki. Without both of those steps, I still wouldn't be totally certain.
supermal123, your post should contain this, in order to work:
...pretty please?
"It's not fair when it happens to me!"
A button that allows you to get more drops than anyone else in the party? I don't think that would work, seeing as everyone in the party would hit that button. The feature would break.
If you want to be greedy, solo or play with friends that'll give you what you want.
Yes. The go solo button. Stay soli and you get everything.