Elemental damage on floor one?

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Legacy Username

I thought I saw a forum post from a dev saying that on the first tier, you should be seeing normal damage from monsters, and not seeing elemental until the second tier.

I'm trying Firefly, as I haven't played in a while and there's a ton of new stuff.
And I'm getting poison and freeze on the first floor. Of the "Easy" dungeon.

Is this normal? Or was Firefly overlooked for the cleanups?

Legacy Username
(... and a two star, 4 heat,

(... and a two star, 4 heat, firebreak shield breaks in three hits from wolves on the first floor. "Easy" dungeon, suitable for those new to the world?)

Espeonage's picture
Tier 1 is somewhat easier,

Tier 1 is somewhat easier, but it hasn't been reduced in difficulty enough to be suitable for new players, really. Post-level themes, it was fine. I really hope this is addressed by the official release...