Gun puppies and construct bonus?

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Legacy Username

Are gun puppies supposed to get damage bonuses from weapons that do extra damage to constructs?

Should they take extra damage from anti-construct weapons?

Saphykun's picture
Yes and Yes

Yes and yes. Gun Puppies are constructs.

Why shouldn't they take extra damage from anti-construct weapons?

Legacy Username
That's what I thought. So why

That's what I thought. So why does a heat 10 thwack hammer (one star, first floor, apparent damage 30, plus construct bonus) do less damage than a heat 2, two star weapon of apparent damage 32? Spur, Calibur, or Brandish.

Dogrock's picture
I've found that some of the

I've found that some of the weapon damage bonuses below "High" tend not to to have a very noticeable effect on overall damage until you hit the 4-star range. Also, did you know that the descriptors for damage bonuses have been reworked? They now go Low, Medium, High, Very High, Ultra and Maximum from what I've seen.

Going by the (very outdated) sword chart on the wiki the Thwack Hammer should be comparable to the Cutter when attacking constructs. I'm not sure if that High bonus could catch up to the Calibur or Brandish.

Interesting note: a Wild Hunting Blade with a damage bonus Very High seems to have almost the same DPS of a Faust when attacking slimes (weak to Shadow damage).

Equinox's picture
Game Master
I just checked down through

I just checked down through the C's on the swords page and it looks up to date to me so far. Is there a specific one that's outdated?

Dogrock's picture
Huh, I didn't realize Yn had

Huh, I didn't realize Yn had cleaned up my last few swords that I didn't have access to.

Some swords have changes in the last week or so. The Wild Hunting Blade has 3 more segments in game... I guess I should go fix that now.