since the last update ive been experience ridiculous amounts of lag making the game barely playable, anyone else experiencing this? my comp was able to play this game fine before
since the last update
Sun, 03/20/2011 - 15:46
Legacy Username
Sun, 03/20/2011 - 15:52
Legacy Username
Is that why they are making
Is that why they are making new haven servers?
Sun, 03/20/2011 - 16:58
They aren't actually unique
They aren't actually unique servers but software instances on the same physical machine. I betcha this is making a great stress test for Three Rings.
Sun, 03/20/2011 - 22:03
Legacy Username
i got lag
i got lag AFTER newest update, well, it isnt like 'lag' it looks like i would move slower and then it jumps bit backward after few steps, but it isnt really problem when im fightning, bcause with Winmillion it jumps allover anyways, just when im trying to walk over spikes i usually take dmg
The issue started before this latest patch.
It was when the influx of new players came gushing in.
When there was barely any lag, there was barely any players on at one time.