Has anyone else noticed that respawning monsters drop hearts now?

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Broxaim's picture

^ topic

i guess that makes the boss fights easier = ]

Legacy Username
I noticed that at Roarmulus

I noticed that at Roarmulus Twins but does this apply to Royal Jelly spawns?

Broxaim's picture
i've only run jelly once

i've only run jelly once since the patch.. and too focused on JK to notice = [

also i just did roarmulus.. and they also drop vita pods XD

Addy's picture
Very rarely the Slimes ate RJ

Very rarely the Slimes ate RJ will drop hearts. Out of the hundred or so times I've fought him it's only been a handful of times, but yeah. Would be handy if this happened more often!

Broxaim's picture
i know the original 4 slimes

i know the original 4 slimes that spawn with RJ used to drop items including hearts.. but all the respawning ones never dropped anything

Legacy Username
I've noticed the shuttlebots

I've noticed the shuttlebots in Roarmulus dropping single hearts. Makes it even easier to beat the boss, apparently.