Okya so I got bored yesah, but after stumbling across the game master list. I found that Aphrodite, Oceanus and Hyperion all had something to do with Greek Mythology (from what I knew at the time). I then dicided to seacrch the others up, and apart from Coriolis (probably refering to the Coriolis effect), and Equinox (Refering to the Equinox). All had Greek relations in some way or another, I'll post the list later.
Aphrodite - Greek Goddess of Love and Beauty (Greek)
Atropos-Eldest of the Three Fates. (Greek)
Clotho-One of the three fates (Greek)
Coriolis -Non Greek.
Cronus-Derived from Kronos, Lord of the Titans (Greek)
Endymion-King/Hunter/Sheperd. (Greek)
Equinox-Non Greek.
Glaucus-Son of Minos(Greek)
Hyperion- Lord of the Light, Titan of the East, (Greek)
Oceanus-Titan of the Ocean (Greek)
Thalia-One of the three Graces, (Greek)
Mnemosyne-Personification of memory in Greek mythology. (Greek)
And funnly enough, the admin that posted this is list is Poseidon, Greek god of the Sea.
Yup, every GM name has a Greek mythology root. I noticed a while back... mostly because I used to play way too much Age of Mythology.