Today, my friend psyched me up for a trip to the D20 Aurora Isles, specifically Jelly Farm II.
She said that these levels were supposed to have a very good number of crown drops; that seemed logical due to the amount of jelly spawns there were, but I was somewhat skeptical due to the recent "level balance" update, thinking that may be case with the Isles. We were met with about 3/10 jellies actually dropping anything at all. This was distressing. The level, overall, felt extremely unsatisfying, with the drops that actually occured being in the 3-10 crown range, and I was counting (on voice chat) the number of jellies in a row that just fizzled and gave nothing.
The ultimate payout was 613 crowns, which I would say is around the average amount of crowns that a depth 20 level would give you, and even then we were lucky enough to get a gold (50) crown from one of the... "Copious"... Grass tiles, which gave us a good 30-50% of our drops!
The reason I think this is silly is that the Aurora Isles are rare, and I would think they never occur more than once in a gate, let alone in a stratum or -heaven forbid- in a row. Sure, checking out the design of a level I'd never been in before felt nice, but in general it just felt like a punishment for trying to make some honest money. Why make something that has maybe one tenth of the chance of occuring in a stratum as opposed to an (extremely high paying) Arena give such a tiny amount of drops in comparison? Difficulty might be a factor here, but the rareness alone seems to offset that.
I don't want this to seem like a whiny rant, and sure, I'll just go delve elsewhere and take note that the Aurora Isles are quite average; I think, however, that they have been overnerfed and have lost a lot of their appeal (before the update I heard stories of getting 2k crowns or more. Wow.).
On an interesting note, this is the only level I've played featuring the little activatable turrets; I had fun wasting 5 energy in the name of curiosity. :P
My theory is that when they was planning on nerfing the JK run's crown drop, they just went full overboard of nerfing every single jelly's droprate no matter where it appears due to there's no way to seperate the jellys spawn during the JK stage and other places. Thus resulting in the situation you described.