well i have spare cash. No problem. But the thing is, I told my mom she should keep it in her credit card so it wouldnt get loose. I bought CE and she told me not to buy stuff on her Credit Card again. I was like sure watevs on that day, but today, Im dieing for CE. I dont know how to convince for me to get me some CE. Its my money too, but I dont know. Its only 20 bucks right. Sucky thing is that it is on her Card. I dont own a debit or credit card. What should I do?
How to convince parent to get CE?

But the thing is, conversation
Me: Hey
Mom: hey
Me: could I buy a prepaid visa card for stuff
Mom: what kind of stuff.
Me: *thinks*
You can go outside and buy a prepaid visa card on your own time with your own money, which simply avoids you from having to confront your parents about buying cash shop stuff.

as my title said how old are u?
because they game is like 13+ or 14+ and if they find out that ur younger then that they will surely kick u out

im still young, and I still confront my parents. the thing is that my money (all of it) is in her card. That is my spare too. I dont know what else to do. Maybe her Bf would be so kind and lighten her up.

Double post sorry. Man If only they had like some CE cards you could buy at blockbuster or walmart. That would be no hassle at all.

Go to best buy or something and buy a visa gift card. I just did this the other day with giftcards. =P
1. ask for allowance (like actually obtaining a 20 dollar bill)
2. don't let mom store it in credit card account
3. go to store and buy a visa prepaid
4. sneak the visa back into house and convert into CE
5. bask in your glorious amounts of pixelated monies and dominate the game

lol. But yeah, if your allowed, ride your bike or something to the nearest walgreens or wherever.
It's not your money if it's in her card and only she can use it...
Save your money yourself. Keep it in a bank or something which you can take out yourself.
Ask her for monthly allowance e.g. My dad used to give me $50 per month so that I don't have to ask for any money and to teach me to save them for anything I WANT.
She is probably holding onto it for you in case you wanted to do something silly like blow it all on a video game or some such. Trust me you'll have a better use for your $20 if you don't spend it on spiral knights. For starters, go buy a used badminton racquet.
Do some dishes, vacuum, clean your room, wash the car, mow the lawn.
She'll be happy to let you reward yourself with some trivial innernet vidjagame thing.
Respect her decision to not give you money for CE. It's her money, it's her decision. Honestly, you will not be playing this game forever, and she knows that. She is making the best decision for both of you by saving that money for a more important investment than CE.
It should also give you some motivation to make CE in game simply by playing (as it has done for me), which will help to keep the game fresh and challenging (as well as frustrating, lol).

tomu, this may be a free to play game but that doesn't mean the developers don't need money. Actually discouraging other players from buying CE with their money is just being a bad sport.
Sorry, Xiax. Common decency should always trump sheer capitalism.
Much as I love supporting awesome game developers, there are just better things a ten-year-old could be spending his or her money on.
Like a college fund.
Or a thousand gummy worms.
Having to earn energy by buying it off of other players does two things: It teaches that you have to earn what you get; it also encourages other players to buy energy with dollars in order to sell it for crowns.
Three Rings really isn't losing out, whether you buy energy from them or from another player. At some point, someone had to give them money.
Last note: Kudos to Tomu for pointing out the important moral that is respecting the decisions of parents.

Why I actually got the money for my Birthday. There is nothing that I wanted to buy, until I found this game. Its not her money, its mine, but I told her to keep in her card so I wouldnt lose the money. I dont want my family saying its their money, which really is mine. It happens all the time.

There are exactly three ways to spend money:
- Ways that further your ability to make money (Going to school for a career, investing, etc)
- Ways that increase your standard of living and/or health (Buying food, buying a bed, buying a house, paying to play sports, etc)
- Recreational activities, or, basically anything you derive pleasure from (Playing games, etc)
What you spend money on may be a part of any, including multiple, of these categories.
To say that a kid should not spend the money they earn on video games is to say that they shouldn't enjoy what they find happiness in. To imply that they should find happiness in something else is rather imposing. Now, note that I'm not saying that spending 'all' their money on video games is a good thing. Clearly people should spend money in a way to further themselves as well.
This balance is what kids should learn. Not to just spend every dime and dollar on furthering themselves. People need entertainment, they need recreational activities that they enjoy. And what people enjoy varies from one person to the next.
I'm not against buying CE. If people want to buy CE, I say go for it. The problem here is that it sounds like it's conflicting with a parental decision here. Whether or not it's "his money", it sounds like he needs Mom's approval to spend it. She has given her answer, and I'm 100% in support of whatever that answer may be. In this case, it sounds like "no."
I know what it's like to want stuff you "can't" have, as I'm sure everyone here does. The thing I'm trying to point out is that you can earn CE simply by playing. Just trying to offer an alternative solution to acquiring CE (playing the game). I don't think developers will be unhappy with me encouraging fellow players to play the game and respect their parents.

I think respect has limits.
A simple scenario. You can earn CE much more quickly by earning money in the real world and then using that money to buy CE than earning crowns and spending those crowns on CE. So, the scenario. Would you rather your kid play this game for, say, 5 hours and make something like a measly 500-1000 CE or go work a job and take 1 hour of that job's pay, we'll assume $8 per hour wage, and turn that into roughly 3000 CE? In this scenario, in retaliation to the parent taking the job's pay, the kid could quit his job and just play the game more because that's all he really wanted to do with the money in the first place. So now the parent would be forcing the kid to quit their job and spend more time indoors doing nothing if the kid wanted to enjoy what they enjoy.
A possibly more emotionally charged scenario to "She has given her answer, and I'm 100% in support of whatever that answer may be. In this case, it sounds like "no."" could easily be:
The kid complains and complains about a stomach ache but the mother believes it is nothing and refuses to take him to the doctor. The kid dies one night from some sort of stomach complication. Now would you agree with her answer? Anyone can be wrong and if you can't give someone else a good reason to do or not do something then there is a danger in believing them.
Respect, to me, is more about admiration of them and perhaps aspirations to become something like that. It is 'not' unquestioning belief in some idea.

I really like both sides of this conversation leading to Yes or No.
Technically its not even your money. Your parents worked for the money and even if they gave it to you, its still theirs because you didnt work for it.
Context is important here: we are talking about a the decision of whether or not a parent would allow spending money on a game, not breaking the law. I'm simply saying that in this case, there is no wrong answer for the mom, which is why I support her 100%.
Your example of working a job also seems out of context, since that possibility has not been mentioned by the OP. Your point seems to be that there exist special circumstances regarding parental decision making that have legal consequences and merit special consideration to which I agree. There are laws for these sorts of things that have already been established.

Ok guys no need to get all technical and detailed here.
The reason the mother says "no" to letting him purchase CE with "his" money is that she probably doesn't feel like it's actually "his" money. Do he do anything to earn it? Becoming a year older than you were a year ago hardly counts as a legitimate fashion of making money.
One should also take into consideration the financial security of the family. Can they spare the money for a video game or would it better off putting it away for college?
Now, I'm not saying that kids should be allowed to have money, but I strongly believe that kids should not feel entitled to money. Having an allowance or a sum of money for your birthday is a luxury. If your mother chooses not to give you the money, that's pretty much the final decision. Obviously, you can beg and complain to her until she is fed up with it and gives in, but do you really want to cause that kind of stress in your household? Is frustrating your mother worth artificial currency?
Is having a lack of CE really such a bad thing? Use your mist and then you can do other stuff. There are always other games that can entertain you while you wait.
I'm again with tomu on this one. Even if your mother's reasoning is "videogames are stupid" or "because I don't want you to", that's totally her call. And that's okay.
What's more likely is that she can see a lot more of the details that we just don't have access to.
I know it's hard to believe while you're a kid, but your parents care about you.

The point of an allowance is so that kids can learn to manage their money wisely before they have to handle a real budget. Telling a 15 year old arbitrarily whether he can or cannot buy something he wants with money given to him specifically to buy what he wants doesn't sound very logical. Now I'm not here to argue whether or not Fatal's mother's reasoning is correct or not but I would like to point out that it was money given to him, so he should be able to spend it how he likes it.
You said:
"Honestly, you will not be playing this game forever, and she knows that. She is making the best decision for both of you by saving that money for a more
important investment than CE."
What you said here seems to clearly indicate that you look down on buying CE with real money and consider it a dumb decision. I just really don't think that is a fair thing to say when you're still playing and enjoying the same game another person wants to spend money on.
For one thing, the OP is 15 years old, for another, this money was not meant for college funds, it is meant for him to buy something he wants. There is no shortage of players buying CE with crowns, adding one more will not make that much of a difference. Three Rings is in fact losing out, the reason you see energy prices increasing is because there are not as many people buying CE with real money as there are who buy it with crowns. If he buys energy with crowns, it doesn't mean someone else is going to buy more energy with real money, it means energy prices will go up because there is less of it now.
Teaching a kid how to grind is fine and all but having them learn from their mistakes is even more instructive, if you really think buying CE isn't in his best interest then you should let him buy it and find out for himself that he made a mistake and cannot buy something he really wants in the future. Better now when the stakes are only 20 dollars then later when he might splurge on something worth a couple thousand.

You are totally right, but Im not sure what I want in the future :P
xiax, spending money on imaginary things that don't exist is frivolous and it is most certainly not a good decision.
I do it because it's fun, and I'm an adult, and I can go to the store and buy twenty pounds of bacon with the money that I earned at my job.
If I had tried that when I was twelve OR fifteen my mother would have stopped me, and I would be grateful because that would have been a very foolish act.
Also, @xiax, I never said that xfatalswiftx's mother was trying to teach him to grind. That would be ridiculous. Unless she's a really hip mother, all she hears is "I want to throw away my hard-earned money on twenty pounds of bacon", so of course she's going to say no.
And let me say this very clearly. As xfatalswiftx's parent and legal guardian and financial governor, she can make any decision she wants, and as Tomu says, whatever it is is the right decision.
Allowing him to frivolously spend money, even if it ended in disaster, would only encourage him to do so in the future, when the stakes are much higher. Your seeming method of parenthood suggests another lesson: Let the three-year-old touch the hot stove element or electric outlet. He'll learn.
Look. xfatalswiftx's mother's parenting methods are none of our business. We're definitely not going to help him by suggesting he steal or swindle or complain or annoy his parents. We're not solving any problems by arguing about this.

Casey, I was replying to your post about how your advice telling him to not spend money is "common decency" while me saying tomu shouldn't badmouth buying CE with real money is "capitalism".
I am not questioning whether Fatal's mother made the right decision or not, I am questioning whether people should perpetuate the image of Three Rings as some faceless corporation out to take all your money due to their rampant greed. I don't think buying CE is frivolous, might as well not buy anything for the sake of entertainment. When you pay for television, e-books, movies, do you get anything tangible out of it? No, what you are paying for is the experience, for something to enjoy. This is what I have a problem with, you all seemingly saying that CE is something stupid to spend money on and no kid should be wasting his time paying for games when he can get it for free. Which when I think about it is basically excusing them all for online piracy.

"xiax, spending money on imaginary things that don't exist is frivolous and it is most certainly not a good decision."
"I do it because it's fun"
"If I had tried that when I was twelve OR fifteen my mother would have stopped me, and I would be grateful because that would have been a very foolish act."
"I do it because it's fun"
say what?
While Spiral Knights doesn't have game cards made specifically for them, i believe OOO is signed up with the "ultimate gamer card" (it has a boy with flaming hair as its mascot on the card). I'm not quite sure how it all works to be honest, as I've never used it, but i remember reading about it at some point while going through the forums. I know my Wal-Mart and Gamestop both carry the cards, and they're $20. Hope that could point you in the right direction for what you're looking for.
as for your money troubles with your parents, I feel your pain - my parents used to claim/ "borrow" my money some time ago - but that's something you'll have to deal with on your own. gl
---- found the link. http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/10041

Tell your mom you wont eat dinner for a day, and to use that money to pay for your new Divine Avenger with a nice UV, she'll understand.

Mom, is only $20dlrs, I have the money... It will be spend either way you want, but what I want... is this, this will satisfy me for the moment, plus.. is like is better spending it here (something you enjoy) than spending it in food or some other stupid thing (you can use something else than stupid).
Is just this time mom, what is it going to take from me? 2 $10 shirts from aeropostale? I mean.. help me be happy, help me doing something I enjoy.
Or you can do what I did with my 9th grade Graduation money (since in Mexico you have to pay for it)... ask for the money, keep it, get a card, spend it.
(Actually I didn't buy CE with my graduation money, and I didn't have to say. Was going to spend.it in something else... just ask and said it was my graduation, hahahaha,the money was spent it in a party with my friends, and the graduation day I was gone the whole day, I didn't came back until next day in the morning at 11AM... (good times Mexico!). I spend my money in something I enjoyed.)
Good thing I had another graduation here (USA) at 12th grade, and the nest thing... free. (Sorry I got out to my stories)
But still think about what you really want, is it going to be worth it? Do you really want it? (Good thing you are still young, don't have to spend money on gas, chlotes, food, and some other things (phone, girl, bills)... enjoy life and you.
"If I spend money on this game, I will enjoy it more, and it will keep me out of trouble. I'm better off playing this game, and spending my $20 on it, rather than going and spending it on drugs."
Oh, you thought I meant I don't go buy twenty pounds of bacon? Hahah. My point was that I know and understand all the consequences, and I can budget for silly things that I don't need.

Im sad now :(. Now I dont know what to do. Thanks a lot guys :(

go buy a 20$ gift card, they are in almost every store in usa

I remember a guy in history said"games are like drugs" so don't pay real money for it unless you pay to play it like xbox games.
The Energy are like drugs, you will need more and more.
And when you spent you money (or your mommy's money),
or you will want to buy more and more or when you stop to play that game you will regret.

Once, my parents agreed to spend some money to get some game currency (not this one's), but that's only after I did 3 pages of Olympiad Maths (whatever you call it), 3 pages of Literature for each day of 2 months. So if you are good in studying and such, you might want to use that to convince your parents. But playing free will increase the difficulty and challenge of this game so if you want to have more fun, don't spend real money to get CE.
If you are on steam , make alt account and purchase CE via mobile phone (atleast thats what i do xD). If you arent on steam simply purchase CE via mobile phone ^^. (i use mobile phone cuz my parents dont want me give money for games neither)

This right here is where he made the mistake.
But the thing is, conversation
Me: Hey
Mom: hey
Me: could I buy a prepaid visa card for stuff
Mom: what kind of stuff.
Me: *thinks*
Assuming this isn't the best troll topic in a while, the fact the conversation stops there says a lot about trust issues. For most parents, when a kid dodges a simple question its usually taken as a sign of something that they'll probably get trouble for, even when it doesn't. Given how you write your posts leads me to believe you do dumb ass things on a regular basis, and this whole topic could had been avoided if just said you could spend it on games without having to charge it to her card.
Just let her know that you want to be able to spend the money without messing up her card, and just try to convince her how this a good idea. VISA has a teen pre-payed card called Visa BUXX program (or similar). Depending on how big your allowance (or savings, or whatever) is, have her load it up with a small amount of spending money ($20-$50) you can use online (or in general). Then every couple of weeks reload it if needed.
There is a major warning though. Pre-payed cards have a ton of fees for opening, using (or not using) the card, and in general are a complete rip off. The Visa BUXX card normally won't charge a fee everytime you use it, but the regular pre-paid cards or gift-card from you get from Walmart will (some charge 2% fee for every purchase, complete ripoff). If you can get the card through your bank though, the fees won't be as bad. Best of all, do ok with this, you can use that to eventually talk your parents into helping you get something like a secure credit card thats cheaper to maintain, and helps you build credit for other things later on like getting a bigger credit limit, getting your own place, buying a car, etc.
And if she says no, don't break into drama mode, just let the idea stew for awhile. She'll think about for a few days to a week, and as long as you don't do something to get her upset it'll be way easier to change her mind about. Plus it wouldn't hurt to apologize first.
Also, don't go with tuiopo96's idea.... its just stupid enough to get you grounded and every electronic device you use locked away for a month.
1. Have a man to man talk with your mothers BF and convince him first to help you out. that way he'll be on your side and he might understand more.
- having dad or Bf on your side is a + + in my book. tell him that you want the card so that if something happens, you have money (or even emergency money you can call it.) if they are out of town or your not home.
2.do the same thing in #1 but with your mother, if you tell her its only used for Emergencies she might let it slide and might even give you money to put on the card as a allowance.
3.Get the card yourself, and slowly put the money on the card yourself. once you get the amount you want you can buy the CE you so desperately want. and if your mother or her BF catches you with it. just explain that you only use it once or twice and that the price on here are really cheap (pennies cheap)
4. If all else Fails, SUCK UP TO YOUR MOTHER TILL YOUR BLUE IN THE FACE! help her around the house, clean your room, do chores ANY to get on her good side and once that happens drop hints on the this prepaid card. if she see that is might be a good investment for you, then your in...
starlinvf, I have bough few times with money things for games via my mobile phone. The thing is i have another card and another phone. :).
If you're really that desperate and have spare cash lying around, go buy a prepaid visa or something similar