The SGA was the first guild created in Spiral Knights. its about time for a revival.
I'm going to put this simply. The Alliance is happy to accept recruits, young and old - given that you have at least a medium level of dungeon knowledge. In some cases there will be recruitment runs, if you are a beginner, to test whether you are capable or not. We are a balanced society, and expect that you are able to complete runs comfortably with gunners and bombers - not just hack n slash players. We wont discriminate, as I am definite that there are good players among the new. I also understand that gear isn't everything; Brightside was one of the best players i know, and was able to ace low depths without great gear. All that is needed is some dungeon knowledge and a good brain, and your in.
For other purposes You will need to fill in this form:
1.How many days/weeks/months/years have you been playing Spiral Knights?
2. You are stuck in a party pad situation, nowhere to run, your only partner has already fainted, and there are still more monsters to fight. Your health is still pretty high. What do you do?
3. There are no monsters left, but your whole team is down. Your health is also pretty high. You are only a room or two away from the elevator. The next floor is going to be tougher. What do you do?
4. What do you think the purpose of the Spiral Gods Alliance is?
5. What do you hope to bring to the SGA?
6. Your playing with an unexperienced player and there is an energy gate. Are you going to play the Danger room or will you continue on?
Thanks =p
For most, a crisp November meant just another day; the clouds would roll on by and the brightness outside felt natural. However, for the very small minority minority people would be up to their usual late night browsing, others would be casually crawling to their desk for some early morning flash gaming. But today, their cat like curiosity would make them click on a never before seen link, covered in unnaturally colored knights - dizzying even. The dazed, and the coffee driven were surprised what they found - perhaps it was because this game was like no other, or perhaps they knew the creators made generally saddening games. After some time waking up in their new world, the recently crashed knights of about 40 in number began racing through the clockworks, insulting monsters for what seemed to be little purpose, or murderously slaughtering harmless looking ghosts just to get a hat.
In a week, these knights would have played through the primitive gates consisting of golden horses with shields, and foxes that had such a bad temper that they were on fire. They had also collected almost every item in the game - yet still continued playing. It was a quiet community, with developers hawk eyeing you through snipe eyes; listening to every move you made. No one could ask for more.
Two days before the, as of yet, unannounced impending doom, three elite warriors formed in unity to create the first ever collaboration of Spiral Knights: The Spiral Gods Alliance. Jesus, Tyrannus and Mavrick began searching for the best knights, ones who would work as a team and not leave others behind. The first enlistees being the officers: Raii and Zardica. From this point a test was forced into play; with new recruits having to win overall in categories of teamwork and greed amongst others. I, Fallout was one of the first to try out.... Failing, twice... In quick succession. In the following tests, knights known today as brightside, dark, Kymroi, Kenny, Astralknight, Blackhawke, Zephyr and Rusho convincingly passed their tests among other elitists.
And so, the days past and rumours of the end were near. It was true... the collecters and the elitists were pushed away by the developers wearing snipe boots and in the final minutes were farewell'd with a 'Shove off you hosers' by the uncanny Boswick.
The time past and so did the testing; the guild waiting vast periods of times just to have another week of hack n slash cradle style. SGA kept in touch through means of their forums, and frequently updated the unofficial wiki through screenshots and videos when long periods of waiting were to be had. it was only January of '10 and the longest wait yet as to come.
On the 11th of october, the awaiting players were overwhelmed with the onslaught of updates, and the news came that the last preview event of spiral knights would begin in the coming days. The forums were alive again, guildies found others through the interwebs and alerted them and the "spam click 'login'" phase began.
A rush of excitement filled the air as the SGA and the familiar and welcoming faces of the previous events cracked their knuckles and madly began collecting everything.... but the weeks past, and the Spiral Knights they once knew just wasn't the same anymore. The numbers began declining, 'Energy' became the word in which shan't be said, and the 'I quit" threads started appearing everywhere. The end of december left a few lonley warriors to battle through the clockworks alone... and often it would be only one, who would sit alone in the haven garden.. awaiting his friends. But the fall of the great guild was all but accepted; Riodaisho, Kymroi, Astralknight and Fallout remained strong - despite the common pushing and nagging from elders, or other established calling 'dead guild'.
It was now January, and with the new content released, many newcomers entered the clockworks with their Santa hats on, brimming with excitement. It was the release where chilling in Emberlight was denied, and haven became the hub where everyone had to stay. The SGA was breaking down further. The new forums Jesus had created were taken down due to the lack of posters, and a lot of information was lost. The site was re-directed to the old forums and from then on there was little activity. Fallout had now become obsessed with bombing - with a heavy decon in hand he tried to show the Alliance how great bombs were - in hope for inspiration to play again. No one was listening.
Time continued, as always, and each update was announced to the Guild again with no response. The great events of Spiral Knights passed, like the 20k crown energy, along with the PvP in which some members like 'Rise from the dead Tyrannus' began to play again - but only for a moment. There were art updates, and balances, and it soon became apparent the end of the last preview was near, despite the amount of unbalanced gear and lack of content.
Then it happened. A week before release the event closed, the posts about a possible revival from the SGA were spamming the guild forums. For one last time, the guild was like family again. by April 14th, the guild felt alive again. Sure the lack of old members placed pressure on the guild, but the old faces came back. Jesus opened the guild and re-invited all the names on the list. Raii, Astralknight and Zardica appeared along with Jesus, and the once elite clan was happy again.
But at the sight of what the game had now become, the guild slowly stopped logging on - the community just wasn't nice anymore. Two weeks in, the guild had become the same as its preview event version. The same four players - Astralknight, Riodaisho, Kymroi and Fallout, with occasional appearances from Moocattle, Raii and Zardica were all that was left.
The guild was forced to take alternative courses; Riodaisho built the best and first German guild... and remains one of the most elite guilds today. Kymroi went on and created the clockwork Armada in which a few Early eventers such as Zafirbel joined.
Today the remenents of the SGA can be seen in many places. Sometimes you wont even know we are there, but we are... silently listening...scheming your deaths...
We are the Spiral Gods Alliance. We are not gone- we never left. We were the ones building the foundations of what the game is like today. We were the elite selection of knights from the earliest previews..... Now we are just one; a bomber wanting you, for the last revival of the
I didn't read that.....but anyways Fallout Good Luck <3