A request for more realistic physics, or, Thermodynamics for fun and profit

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Pauling's picture

I like the new system for leveling weapons via heat: it's fun to see items develop, and really encourages people to keep using different weapons as they develop their arsenals.

However, I've noticed that for a given amount of heat in a level, items seem to level at the same rate, no matter how many items are involved in leveling. (my blaster doesn't level any faster if every other piece of equipment is maxed out already)

This is a bit silly, in that heat is an intensive property. If there are fewer items heated, then via the simple relation q = m*C*deltaT, the temperature change / level rise in a single item should be higher when there is less mass (but a constant amount of heat).

Far from being nitpicky, I actually think that making heat gain depend on the number of items would be a lot of fun: it would encourage people to make even more choices. Do they equip their entire new set of gear all at once, or keep some old "complete" gear on, and level the new stuff piece by piece to get special bonus advancements on one thing sooner?

And while we're on the subject of physics: I've noticed that the amount of damage a sword does is totally independent of how many enemies it passes through along the way. Among other things, this means that a single swing of a good sword is enough to kill a dozen pink jellies at once, on the early levels... that's convenient and all, but it discourages the use of mob-oriented weapons, like bombs, by making swords way overpowered. Perhaps the damage could be tweaked so that attacking 5 enemies with 1 sword swing did less damage per enemy?

Legacy Username
I think the in-game Heat

I think the in-game Heat system is quite a bit different from standard heat transferrence, since otherwise we'd lose a lot of heat from our weapons from simple radiance or worse yet convection from moving. And you know how much people would hate that! :P

Legacy Username
And my cryotech alchemer

And my cryotech alchemer would soon stop working at all. :P

Legacy Username
now hold on a second

now hold on a second

per Blackhat in http://forums.spiralknights.com/node/74 :
"Looks like I'm wrong about Max level gear, in that it does not eat a slice of the pie at the end a of a floor after all. So fear not and don your level ten armor if you wish."

so which way does it work? i got real excited earlier today when i got a couple pieces of gear to max level, cos i've been hoping that heat i get henceforth will all get funneled rapidly into my remaining stuff

Pauling's picture
It's hard to say for sure,

It's hard to say for sure, since the game uses randomly generated levels and hides specific numbers behind vague swirls of color. (neither of those is at all bad- it just makes controlled experiments kind of tough) The observation that fewer items = no faster leveling is a qualitative one, and if that's wrong, I'd certainly be glad to hear it. :)

(And regardless of how heat is handled, as for the other part of the post: if bombs are to become a more valuable part of the game against mobs of enemies, than swords definitely need to be nerfed. That part, at least, can be tested quantitatively)