Its that time again everyone! Gather the new icon pictures and the new gear that was updated, screeny them and get em uploaded.
Tons of new item icons as well it seems.

If someone wants to do more of the equipment, I've uploaded an image to use for the colors to recolor the high res ones. All the recipes except for the volcanic demo suit which we're still looking for.
I'll take a quick look and see if Dog got all the materials that I have collected. If not, I'll do a materials icons image as well.

Here's all the materials that I have. I'm missing several like volt oil, sun silver, thunderball uh probably others, but this will help check many of them.

As much as I'd love to I can't hop on that right now. It's spring maintenance day on the main PC, and well yeah... I've got some serious scrubbing to do.

Dog you're not supposed to use the Divine Veil to cook
I've done all the armors and I utmost refuse to do the helms. x-x

Okay, with the help of the wiki editors, I've gathered the images for the couple that I was missing. is now complete and can be used to get the colors to update the changed icon ones.
Tomorrow I'll check on the shield icons to see if more than just the volcanic plate shield one has changed.

(see most recent posts)
Edit: I'll get a screenshot of the icons of the low level non-recipe gear today, just realized those have changed too.

Sorry for all the posts, but the image here has been updated with the non recipe items that had icon changes as well (see most recent posts)

Some equipment ones may have changed again. I'll look at it and redo my screenshot if needed.
Redid the image and went through and marked out the ones that were obviously already okay on the wiki, so all that's left are the ones to redo. Some of them looked like there was a possible slight color change, so I left those on the image as well.

I'm dong the Helms/Masks/Caps right now.
Edit: Done!
Dread Skelly Mask needs an equip image.
Bombastic Demo Helm looks like it needs a new equip image.

I finished every icon on Equinox's list for needs updating. Rest a bit easier fellow editors!

You're truly a trooper. Of course, that reminds me, I need to go through the crafting materials icons to point out the ones that need redoing....
The new icons, they are flowing like water....

Actually the only two that hadn't been done were the hailstone and the thunderball. I finished those and we're done with the icons!
Some of the equipment I think has gotten some tweaks in the past few updates. I'll at least get the divine mantle since I wear that one (I think they removed the feathers on the shoulders).

I don't want to post new topic so I'm bumping this one. Skelly Mask, Skelly Suit and Skelly Shield all have new art. I've seen a shield or two from this path have updated artwork on wiki but masks and suits doesn't. I don't have any of these items at the moment so I can't make any screenshots.
just uploaded the sinister skelly armor image.
Uploaded an update image of Angelic Raiment, but I am lacking the helm image at the moment. It might take awhile before I can get one.
Please tell me if there is anything I need to do from now on when naming new images for review and what sets are needing images or not.
Images for the helm and gear set.

Thanks for the images, Yami! :D It's really helpful!
(And as for your talk page - don't worry, it doesn't bug me at all XD Especially when you're being so polite. <3!)
I'm just glad I am not getting in the way. I was kinda worried about that when I started to post the images.
And I noticed another issue but not sure if it needed a new topic since it is art related as well.
I noticed that individual pages list the Owlite shield set to go with the Magic set. However under the list of set images, it only list the Grey Owlite Shield going with the Gray Feather Cowl and Mantle. The other magic sets do not show the shield in the set images, or the icons. Do these shields really go with the set? If so, does there need to be updated images of those magic sets?
I'm sorry for being so nit picky about a lot of these minor issues here and there. I know everyone is really busy right now and trying to get things organized due to the game's official release. I'm just naming what I see before I forget. ^^;

I think it's because we were just guessing for the gray owlite stuff :)

I remember adding it there. At the time, we grouped sets by items with the most similar stats and bonuses; the owlite shields were the best match for grey feather gear. With all the rebalancing, I'm not sure whether that's still the case.

I've just updated artwork and stats for Sunset Duster.

Icon updatery done! Thanks Dogrock & Saphy!

I can have all those Shields done for later tonight. I will also make a crack at the Gear, starting from the bottom of the list and moving back.
Edit: Shield icons are done!
Edit 2: The entire right half of that image is done and now Saphy is picking up my slack.

I bet you that the artists slap random colors onto the icons and stick them into the game. It makes me smile to think about it, actually. XD
The icons are all done!

Why is it that the Bombastic Demo Helm picture is that of a Spiral Pith Helm?

Check the date when it was uploaded. The Bombastic Demo Helm art was updated sometime in March, but no one had the helm. Or the ones that did have the helm couldn't be bothered to upload it/didn't know how to upload it onto the Wiki.
Also, there's a "Needs updating" tag on the image, so you know that the picture is wrong anyway.

I don't know of anyone in the game that has the Bombastic Demo Helm. I was planning to make one for the wiki eventually but...not anymore lol
Good day,
I would like to have the Sinister Skelly Shield picture changed from the wiki
Was it an update on the game that changed the color of the shield?
Sorry, I'm new to the game. I was trying to match my looks with the shield and saw this one.
Sadly, I was disappointed on the outcome due to false information on the wiki.
Also, would anyone be kind to edit Sentenza and Argent Peacemaker's charge attack description on wiki?
It says 'knock back' and 'can hit up to three times' which is obviously a troll.

You need to please provide a PNG file for use on the wiki.
The statements on the Sentenza and Argent Peacemaker pages are accurate. A skilled player can trap monsters in large projectiles for massive amounts of damage. This is similar to the Aveneger and Spur series charge that can score multiple hits on the same monster.
The two images of the shields look the same to me, they are just from slightly different angles. The skelly shield is very concave so the viewing angle will change the shadows and sharpness of the edges. (I have a Sinister Skelly Shield myself.)

I took a new screenshot and updated the shield image on the wiki in theory.
Argent Peacemaker's charge attack description should be rephrased in order to avoid confusion IMO.
"Fires 5 shots and then it fires a golden falcon, due to knock-back, the falcon can hit about 3 times "
-- falcon knocks enemies back while it travels, hence, damaging the enemies up to 3 hits?
I've always thought it was similar to Avenger's projectile but no, the falcon just passes by until it reaches max range or hits a wall, then dealing damage.
-- falcon knocks enemies back when it reaches maximum range, hence, dealing up to 3 hits?
Is what I always see.
The images were taken from the Inspect window. Rotating the character would not change the shield's color.
You should clearly see the difference between white/purple from purple/brown.
Thanks to all those who responded :)
keep up the good work guys! I don't really know what we'd be like without all these people and their screenies =O
I just did a collection of Icons. Have fun with the updates!