He's a fifth rate actor, that manages major roles in third rate movies. I can't possibly be the only one who realizes this. I mean come on, you can hardly name one good movie he was in. Now, when I say this I'm sure a lot of people will pop up listing off movies they like. But really, Ghost Rider would have been much better off with a real actor. Just saying.
I hate Nicolas Cage
I'm glad people agree. A bunch of my friends argue, and say they like Nicolas Cage. I just don't get it. He has this one same character in every movie. Just the sound of his voice makes me cringe, the way he talks is so monotone in every movie. Nicolas Cage doesn't act, he just puts himself in all the movies. His own personality replaced what would be the main characters.

I don't really have an opinion on most actors, since I rarely watch movies anymore.
But even in saying that Nicolas Cage is bad, I have seen worse.
I mostly just hate the films he's in more than I hate his lack of acting ability.
Ghost Rider would've been bad no matter who they cast for it.

Yeah, I'm not too big on Nicholas cage either.
He's just so monotone, it makes everything so boring and uninteresting.
Like Micheal cera.
I believe Nic may become a meme of sorts soon
So basically, don't click this button: http://wonder-tonic.com/cageyourqueue/ ?
aww you beat me to posting the nicholas cage wants chocolate cake he is strange I'll give you that. lol
Brad Jones was right: Bruckheimer ruined his reputation.
"name one good movie he was in"
Astro boy.
That's all I could find.

I have to name one I just remembered. Kaufman's "Adaptation". That was good.
While I will agree Cage is a joke now, it is hardly is fault. He is asked to do movies to contend with others like Ghost Rider to X men and National Treasure to Da Vinci Code (can't blame him, he's loaded). Most of his movies were set up to fail before they started shooting. Cage probably made worse movies better. He does have some good movies but the really young on here will not know them.
Lord of War, Face Off, The Rock, Leaving Las Vegas, Fast Times at Ridgemont High (his first movie, was on screen for like 3 seconds, try and find him, lol)
Anyone that is under 23 and says he sucks I understand why, but I have seen a few that were made when I was little and it seems like he was considered an action star in the late 90's early 2000's.
I also heard he's nuts, too.

Con air was a good movie, but mostly becuase of the crazy guy and the general script. Saying nicholas cage is going to turn into the game. Oh shi- Gahh I lost.
People who name their kids "KAL-EL" are.
You're not the only one, I've realized the same thing - he's got a really good knack at playing ridiculous characters in really bad films. I kinda like The Lord of War, though, but mostly because of Andrew Niccol.