I'm kind of curious, because my 4* armor ended up with Sleep Resistance Maximum but it seems like kind of a joke because I've never actually seen anything inflict sleep.
Sleep inflicting monsters... Are there any?
Slooms and Sloombargo (when said lichens combine enough). Good luck finding them, though (hence, the practically useless nature of sleep resistance UVs).
Sloombargo (when said lichens combine enough)
Technically that's not true. The only lichens that can combine are normal ones. You'll notice how Oilers, Quicksilvers, and Toxigels do not combine. Slooms are the same. If you have ever done Briar Bone Barrage you will notice that the Toxilargo spawns as-is, and does not combine. That is just how the Sloombargo was spawned.
Also, from the wiki:
This Sloom does not need to merge to grow to its size. What makes this Sloom different to its smaller cousin is the mist surrounding the Sloombargo. The mist inflicts sleep on knights and remains for a short period after the Sloombargo's defeat.
If you're considering selling it...
Don't sell it, you'll just squander your possible earnings.
Wait for there to be a boss that involves sleep (eventually, there will be).
Sell it then.
You'll make mad cash.
Wait for there to be a boss that involves sleep (eventually, there will be).
There's no guarantee that sleep will ever make a return as a common status effect. Even when it was in the game there was only a few levels that had Slooms in them.
Ah, thanks for the correction. Didn't know that since I generally try not to let lichens get close to one another.

I saw a sloom once. Once. Killed it pretty fast, too, so I didn't get to see if it really does inflict sleep.

I have never seen a Sloom (and a Love Puppy,) yet I've seen almost every other enemy in the game, including Toxilargo (Which in my opinion, he was actually pathetic than what I expected.)

Toxilargo isn't a rare spawn. Toxilargo spawns every single time at the end of the second arena of the Dark City/Briar Bone Barrage level. Slooms and love puppies are rare spawns.
mewkats arent that rare I dont think
One time my friend found a sloom from a box and invited everyone he knew to come see it, was cool to play around with it
never seen one since though :P
No, Mewkats are rare. They are the only special monster I have only seen once ever.
Even with a sleep boss I doubt that sleep resist would even be worthwhile to have - as it heals you and it probably won't shave much sleep time off.
Rubbish status effect - just sell it.
It may be nearly useless now but with updates of enemies and PvP it'll probably eventually be worth something.
There will never be a boss that inflicts sleep, guaranteed, unless they tweak that status ailment in the future and then begin to implement Sleep-inducing monsters again.
There is a reason why they virtually removed all traces of Sleep in the first place. Sleep is a broken mechanic that just doesn't work well when used on a player.
Though rare they do exist.