I started a gunslinger guide on the wiki here http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Gunslinger_Guide
It's nowhere near done but I have put up some of the basics/tactics/weaponry choices that I have run into.
I started a gunslinger guide on the wiki here http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Gunslinger_Guide
It's nowhere near done but I have put up some of the basics/tactics/weaponry choices that I have run into.
Unfortunatly I don't have any experience with autoguns or bombs at the moment, so I can't really write about them. But give it time and I will learn how to use them.
As a "pure" bomber, enemies that give me the greatest trouble are the ones that do not come to me naturally on its own.
Namely, gun puppies, gremlin menders & gremlin demos.
The reason why autoguns work great when paired with bombs is that you can:
On the issue of synergy, they also work well when paired with the "cryotech" series of guns.
Unfortunately, they do not pair up very well with swords.
My 2 cents... :)
Wooo, way to go man. now all we need is a swordsman guide xD
I think this one works pretty well:
1) Run up to enemy with sword out
2) Smash smash smash smash smash
fyi no one reads wiki editors forum xD
the best we can do is make sure the guides are finished then release them with a post in general discussion.
Thank you everyone who is adding content to the guide and correcting my spelling mistakes ^_^;;
Hm... I have to disagree at some parts in your guide, but it's personally.
You should add much more specialized information about every single gun. For example you can write a huge book about the Magnus!! So important to know how it really works!!
You forgot Pulsar at Elementar Weapons, though you added Biohazard to Shadow. Or are these just the weapons you like? ^^''
But I like to see that there are even other Gunners out there who care about emselves :)
mfg! Abathur (ig)
Should read those ask a gunslinger anything threads to get some more info / ideas for this, but I like where its at for sure. These guides (bomber and gunslinger) are a great idea!
The guide I was looking for... but the "ask a gunslinger anything" are also helpful.
Autoguns really shine with their charge attacks, since not only does it increase the number of bullets, but each bullet has increased damage, and damage is basically what separate AG's from other guns.
Pepperbox's pull the enemy into more bullets for full damage - so it's usable from around mid-range and in - you can use its charge to save teammates from aggro monsters (and keep yourself safe too, since they're not attacking you).
Blitz Needle has callahan's knockdown/interrupt effect, so it's devastating up close. I know with the Valkyrie Set, I can kill Trojans in FSC with 1 charge attack with up to 2 people in the party (remember, monster HP goes up) lol. I usually use its charge attack as a counterattack, so I can get the most out of the bullets.
I put up a section for control schemes for gunslingers to use so please post eaither here or on the talk page of the guide some variations to fill the section out, whether you use a gamepad or the keyboard/mouse or whatever.
For that matter feel free to comment about anything on the talk page too.
Eventually I think it would be cool to have a space for differing opinions on matters of tactics and equipment. So if you have differing opinions feel free to state them here or on the talk page. As long as differing opinions are well founded I have no problem adding them to the guide.
Yea it's so beautiful to hit these Horses with 15x120 ... 1800 Damage!! Even a swordmen can't do such a massive damage!!
I missed my chance at contributing to the Bombing Guide, Fallout and the rest of the contributors did such an awesome job, I only wished I could've helped ^^; I will try to help out as much as I can with this guide.
A little bit of info on the Autoguns, specifically the Blitz Needle..
In all the times I've ran FSC, I don't think I've ever seen a faster phase 5 Vana kill than Shiverlock + Blitz Needle CA + poison vials. With no added damage bonus except from the poison, a single CA does 1620 (108x15) . On a duo run, a friend and I downed stage 5 Vana in about 3 minutes. I'll post the video when I find time tomorrow evening.
I pretty much ditched Argent entirely for FSC. The blitz just does a much faster job picking off zombies pushed back from a DA charge or swing-cancel. It's cone of fire is much tighter than that of the V-Pepperbox (and the beginning Autogun that many newbies dismiss) so it's much more accurate than people believe.
The biggest advice I can give for anyone choosing to go Blitz > Argent is to find an Autogun with med+ ASI. This is crucial IMO as it cuts down the time spent planted on the ground during the burst. That extra time you stood still could mean the difference between getting set on fire from zombie breath or having the roof fall on you at Vana. So far, there isn't any concrete data posted about ASI speed boosts for Autoguns, I'm just stating my personal experience through experimentation and continued use. Both my V-pepperbox and Blitz have ASI med and I've switched around pieces of the Nameless set as well a Swiftstrike Shield. The difference is there.
i added some quite missed important info on the pepperbox.
I suggest changing the heading of the "Tactics" section into "Techniques".
My understanding is that "Techniques" are like controls that isn't immediately apparent to new players (such as shield bumping).
"Tactics" are stuff like "choice of guns combo", "how to function in a group", "population control", "kiting", "circle strafing", etc...
Erm... using a street figher game as an example, techniques would be "how to perform a hadoken".
Tactics would be "how to play defensively aka Turtling" or "how to bait your opponent to throw a move that leave him open"...
you add the autogun line of weapons. there AMAZING WITH BOMBS