Why Would You Change My Name Without Asking Me What I Want It Changed To?

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Legacy Username

Why Would You Change My Name Without Asking Me What I Want It Changed To? Even after playing this game for almost two months, for whatever reason the name I had wasn't a problem until now. I get that some people may have been sensitive to such things and that it might have been a problem, but that's what word filters are for in the place. Secondly, just sending me a request via in game mail or a PM would have been a much better way to handle this situation. The only reason I went with the name I had was that it was my screen name on STEAM and that's what everyone knows me by.

And if I had been somehow unruly by any measure at such a request to change my name, banning me would have been a good option.

It's things like this that directly affect your income. Keep that in mind. As now my friends and I will most likely deprive you of what little income we were going to spend in the future. My friends and I may be insignificant, but if you do that to enough players, you'll have a walled garden of only yourselves and no business.

If you're immature enough to

If you're immature enough to have something offensive as your name, then I shall miss neither you nor your friends.

Legacy Username
If your name was in any way

If your name was in any way offensive then it would be changed without notice to you. It has happened several times in the past. They do not discuss these matters publicly, and I would suggest sending a request to support if you actually want an answer. It is not guaranteed you will get one, though. Also, chat filters do not work on names, so that's invalid.

It's things like this that directly affect your income. Keep that in mind. As now my friends and I will most likely deprive you of what little income we were going to spend in the future. My friends and I may be insignificant, but if you do that to enough players, you'll have a walled garden of only yourselves and no business.

You are like the scummiest, most entitled people I see in retail stores who think that just because they pay for something and make the establishment money they deserve special treatment. That kind of mentality is sickening and if you do quit over this I am not in the slightest bit upset.

Njthug's picture
Why did the chicken cross the

Why did the chicken cross the road? (This I do not know)

Why did they change your name without asking you? It was offensive most likely, and next time use the support e-mail, or fully read the forums instead of breaking forum rules it may help you out.

Thirdmotion's picture
Let me fix that for you

If you're immature enough to have something offensive as your name, then "WE" shall miss neither you nor your friends.

Fixed that for you. :D
@Indalecio. Thanks lol

Heimdallr's picture

Use the "em" tags. xD

Kilbride's picture
Why pick something offensive in the first place?

I'm not really feelin' the deprivation. Amen, Dirt; I'm a little burned out on entitlement in general.

Anyway, Kneo, I hope whatever name you were assigned is cool sounding, at least. See you in the clockworks?

Legacy Username
You know what I think

You know what I think whenever people threaten to ragequit and bring all their friends with them?
"And nothing of value was lost."

Sadly, those players never actually leave.

Griffinbane's picture
I hope your name was changed

I hope your name was changed to Generic 000 001 004.

Kudos to anyone who got it.

Richy's picture
You complain about having

You complain about having your name changed when you knew offensive names aren't allowed? Words can't describe the fail.

Gwenyvier's picture
I am rather curious as to

I am rather curious as to what the original name was and what it got changed to...


Crimson-Lily's picture

maybe what the poster expect from the developer was to give him some message notification and option to choose the name, something like "your IGN was prohibited in this game since it's considered offensive according to our rules. Please provide other names for your IGN"

Legacy Username
Silverlily hit the nail on

Silverlily hit the nail on the head... It's not some sort of entitlement thing. I have had so many praises for the name i used that what little complaints I ever had about it didn't matter to me.

How am I to base what's offensive and what's not? It's not clear. Taking that one step further, what you may find offensive, another person may not. Just using an example (not picking on anyone here) - What if someone thought the idea of a "thug" was offensive? Well Njthug would be the sad sack here. And you know what? I've ran into people who have operated servers and games that were like that! They would say, "read the rules". The rules weren't very clear, like the ones for this game, with no name filter. I can't possibly know what one random person will and will not find offensive.

While this game may look cartoonish, consider what it's based off of. It's a game where you're the invading alien force raiding and pillaging the land for your own interests. When people do that in real life, it's not a pretty picture and people get offended by that idea in of itself. Once again, how am I to assume what's offensive and what's not?

Furthermore, not having a filter for names upon creation is lazy on the developers part. You can't even put spaces in the name.

At this point I have no interest in having this issue "corrected". Why would I want to come back when it's clearly obvious that Three Rings doesn't even want to fix this issue when it has happened to people before? Why support someone when a simple policy change and coding change on their end would nearly eliminate this issue?

What I would have originally expected to happen was a reasonable outcome where everyone is happy and keeps going. What happened to me was not. Just because you have the power to be hamfisted doesn't mean you should do so every time you have the opportunity.

Legacy Username
What was the original

What was the original name?
Obv don't post it here if it was offensive: post a starred version of it.
But without seeing the original name we can't judge how valid your claim is.
Perhaps it was very witty and only slightly dodgy in which case maybe they should have given you a rename chance. However it may have been something really really unsavory. In which case I don't really see the issue with a forced rename.
Technically for something really bad they can straight up ban the account. At least this way you don't lose the character.

As I say: without knowing the name we can't judge if the reaction was too constrictive or justified.

Crimson-Lily's picture

Well, in case you have interest to correct this issue again in the future, i suggest you would ask the developer nicely from this support page,

i find the developer was replying nice, kind and supportive to all my complain ticket all this time. maybe you should try it too when the needs arise.
try asking something like" Dear GameMaster, i find that my IGN was changed from #### into ####, i'm really sorry if you find my IGN was somewhat offensive according to your rules, but i, too, was not really comfortable with the new name that was given to me. Would there be a chance for me to ask so that my IGN can be changed to #### instead?"

best of luck :D

Evilduck's picture
While I'm not a fan of the

While I'm not a fan of the "I'm leaving and I'm taking my money/friends with me" attitude, I do agree with the OP that he should have been given the option to choose a new name. I wouldn't want to run around with a name I don't like, nor would I want to start over to get a new name. OOO should have contacted the OP and given him the option.

That said, posting about it will do nothing. Just contact support.

Splinter's picture
Name Changing 101

This is exactly what not to do when you get your name changed with no reason behind it / no question of what you would like your name to be. Everyone take note.

Still would like the know what the name is, probably clearly offensive as it hasn't been posted yet, or better what they changed it to (which in my experience is often comical).

Legacy Username
Common practice

Kneo, what you've encountered is pretty much common practice in EVERY MMO OUT THERE. They change your name immediately, then typically send you an e-mail letting you know, and most have a system for changing your random name to something (usually through GM/support intervention). Name me ONE single MMO out there that handles it in the fashion you describe. To echo others above, this isn't OOO being hamhanded or abusing power. This is you being childish and entitled.

Eurydice's picture
Community Manager
As the forum guidelines note,

As the forum guidelines note, questions about support actions should be sent through the appropriate channels.