Is it just me or did the jk danger rooms get pretty hard since the last update?
T2 JK Danger Rooms....Did it get harder?
i think the floor 14 DR is the easiest one ive done in this game D:
heh think its just you. last week they were definitely harder!
All of the sudden there are t3 poison lichens out of no where....they didnt have that before didnt they

If you're talking danger rooms AFTER T2 Basil, maybe they did, maybe they didn't, but after Basil danger rooms always have the next tier's monsters.

All of the sudden there are t3 poison lichens out of no where....they didnt have that before didnt they
Yep. They did.
aight thanks....maybe i just havent noticed them for a while

Kind of. The jelly king danger rooms got easier when they rebalanced the floor payouts. notice the area circled in this room. Before that breakable block was not there, and the gun puppy was facing right, not left. The result was getting shot by bullets in addition to getting zerged when you hit the ghost block. Also, the room with the two respawning royal minis just below the room pictured? Recently the changed it so that the royal minis stop spawning after you get the key from that room.
But they also changed lumbers. Lumbers now split their attacks between elemental and normal damage. Now lumbers in RJP deal a MASSIVE amount of damage when they hit. You could lose 5 - 7 health bars, and that's with 4* rock jelly armor. Getting hit by the turrets are no picnic either. I don't think that was the case before the recent patch.
So things got easier and they got harder.
You normally don't have a danger room on the floor on d14 right before the jelly palace levels. If all you ever run is jelly palace you wouldn't be used to the fact that t3 enemies show up in stratum 4 danger rooms.
The poison lichens are pretty annoying and my friends and I have difficulties with them.

Jelly palace doesn't have any danger rooms. Or does "JK" mean something other than jelly king in this context?
gotta hate those poison lichens. along with the huge lichen colony....

Oooh, that danger room. The one in the wasteworks before royal jelly palace.
It seems that the toxigels know better then to follow you around the room. Instead a few chase you and the rest wait patiently for you to come to them. This messes up my kiting scheme pretty good, and that makes the danger room a bit harder than it would be otherwise.
yeah i was pretty much talking about that danger room....certain problems defeating that room easily
yes they got harder. Before they didn't have stuff from t3 in t2 danger rooms but now they do. Same thing for t1 danger rooms, they have t2 stuff in there as well.
thanks for your opinions

That's probably because you don't play many gates / danger rooms outside of JK lool
T2 monsters have a chance at spawning in post-basil (aka 4-7) T1 danger rooms.
T3 monsters have a chance at spawning in post-basil (aka depth 14-17) T2 danger rooms.
god knows how freaked out we were when we saw t3 gremlins for the first time.
lol maybe it that is why....
ahh so safest danger rooms in t2 would be pre-basil depths (8-12)?
I do get outside the jelly gate. :p
I just don't do t2 danger rooms very much in any gate. I'm cautious when it comes to who I do danger rooms with too. But anyways. Yeah. T3 in t2 is normal. :)
haha i guess i gotta travel more in the clockworks rather than just getting to JK...
dancinjen, arent u in a guild called "In the Jelly"? lolz i was a part of it for a couple days :D
is it just me?