Hi guys, I have 15 Bark Modules and so far I've been much of a melee-er. I really want a gun 'cos people keep telling me it's useful, and I think these two are pretty cool! Problem is, I don't know which one to get... Any ideas?
Catalyzer vs. Pulsar
There's already a Catalyzer vs. Pulsar Thread in the Arsenal.
Just read that topic, it doesn't really state anything about either one aside from the first post. I don't know how someone managed to make a Lumber hit them by using the Pulsar's knockback.
Check Arsenal next time. But anyways I have never tried the Catalyzer, but the Pulsar is by far my favorite gun in the game now. Just need a Polaris Recipe.
The pulsar line is arguably the game's worst gun, at least if you're in a group. The big graphical explosions cover up the mob, so that your teammates can't see if it's attacking. That means that they have to decide to block or dodge without knowing whether the mob is attacking or not. So either they can stay back and let you fight the mob alone, or they can charge in and get killed. Either of those situations are worse than if you merely went AFK. Other guns don't have that problem, so try a better gun. Such as every single other one in the entire game.
Well the Pulsar is fine when used correctly but most people just spam the heck out of the shots which messes up the rest of the team. This topic is about the Catalyzer and Pulsar though which, arguably, when in a bad party or when used wrong, the Catalyzer and Pulsar suck (respectively). When you're loading charges, a swordsman just rushes in and slashes the heck out of the enemy you were charging on.
Sure, the pulsar is fine when used correctly. I've had a bunch of teammates use it. I've had exactly one use it correctly, ever. Using it correctly entails holding your fire or switching to a different weapon a lot of the time, and most people who use it want to spam it on everything.
Other guns don't have that problem. If you're just learning to use guns, the pulsar is a terrible choice.
Thats a good point considering it'd be their first gun. It'd take some practice to play well with the Pulsar unless you're soloing.
Look at the weapons' functionality and stats I have to say that the Kilowatt line for the Pulsar is the best. It is a very powerful ranged weapon that deals great elemental with the chance of a shock status effect. The particle effect may cover players' vision, but the knockback has saved the lives of myself and my team on multiple occasions. The only reason I wouldn't recommend the pulsar is if you have lag issues with the game already. The heavy particle effects can slow the game in heavy situations, like in IMF runs. If you do choose the Catalyzer pick the Virulent line. The shadow damage and poison chance make it very effective on many runs.
imo - the pulsar line is the best gun line in the game.
Catalizer is nice for shadow and for gimick, but if you want neutral or elemental damage go pulsar.
imo - the pulsar line is the best gun line in the game.
Catalizer is nice for shadow and for gimick, but if you want neutral or elemental damage go pulsar.
Lol Pulsar games worst gun, yeah right. Me and a friend with Pulsar upgrades blasted our way right through Firestorm Citadel and took us no time with Vana. I absolutely love the gun. It is very good for clearing room. Using it to push away undead is what I like to do, also does very good damage and the shock helps.
I love how people complain about the Pulsar's knockback making life difficult for the poor Swordsmen in party play, when this is an issue that Gunslingers have had to deal with from the very beginning. It's like complaining about Nitronome or Calibur charge spam.
Oh wait, it's not, because I'm not scattering a whole room's worth of enemies all over the place at random. I'm just hammering 2 Retrodes into a corner so they'll stop beam-spamming everyone else.
I can no longer count the number of times a Swordsman or Bomber has made my life difficult, either by knocking stuff out of my line of fire, or busting my face with a monster whose attack I made a special point of avoiding before you decided to slap-shot it across the room. You don't like me knocking stuff back? Tough noogies. Suck it up, and go kill something else.
For the record, I am LOVING my Kilowatt Pulsar. I think Shosuko is right on the money about Pulsars being the best gun lines in the game right now. I still prefer my Shadow Driver for dealing with slimes and gremlins, and probably would even if there were a shadow damage version of the gun, but for undead and mechanicals it definitely seems better than my old Cryo Driver.
I got my Catalyzer the other night, though Basil refuses to stock the 3* recipe I want. Hopefully I'll have that upgraded and have a chance to try it out soonish, but I'm anticipating great things from that. It's obvious to me that it's not a gun you'd bring to a PuG, but one of my duo partners is a Bomber, and I'm thinking Catalyzer + Shivermist is going to totally rock face.
Using guns properly involves never using guns, didn't you guys know?
Swords are the only weapon in this game worth using.
^^Hey let's play RPS! BTW, paper and scissors are useless since rock beats them all!
You can keep your rocks sir.
"and I'm thinking Catalyzer + Shivermist is going to totally rock face."
Thats true, an awesome combo, the charge orbs don't destroy the ice so you can keep pilling up them.
Catalyzer is fun, but it's more of a solo gun. Pulsar is quite powerful actually, with knockback, explosions and all that.
Both not really a team gun, compared to the other gun lines which provides very good support.
But hey, swords are so much stronger than guns why not use the pulsar. The knockback and explosions will annoy the swordsman and tell them that gunslingers are boss :P
I've been running FSC with friends while carrying the Pulsar. In rooms full of zombies, me and my mates can make them stay in one side while we all pick them off one by one or a few at a time thanks to the pulsar's explosion/knockback.
In my opinion the pulsar are great against elemental-weak monsters (like construct and undead). A constant fire from the pulsar stops gun puppies from shooting and keeps zombies in a corner or a wall for quite a while with practice. It won't be good against Vanaduke but during the run around FSC, I'm lovin it.
It won't be good against Vanaduke
I've solo'd Vanaduke with the Polaris with little to no difficulty. It may not have as much DPS as Argent Peacemaker but the constant shock is useful at times.
People say your team will hate you. The only comment I've received is "WOW THAT ROCKS." With my killowatt pulsar. I have the toxic catalyzer too, I love using the charge on it. I like my killowatt better though.
"Me and a friend with Pulsar upgrades blasted our way right through Firestorm Citadel"
So now carrying a pulsar makes you better at dodging environmental traps, which is the main obstacle to getting through FSC? Impressive. [/sarcasm]
"I love how people complain about the Pulsar's knockback making life difficult for the poor Swordsmen in party play, when this is an issue that Gunslingers have had to deal with from the very beginning."
Most guns don't knock back to the same degree as pulsar. Many guns don't knock back at all. Knockback can be good or bad, depending on how it is used. Large knocks to lumbers is a big problem. Knocking retrodes is a somewhat lesser problem. Knocking mobs that are actually interrupted by the knock is useful, and not a problem.
Regardless, the "mobs are invisible now" effect of pulsar is a much bigger problem than the knockback. It's also a problem not shared with any other gun line in the game.
"In rooms full of zombies, me and my mates can make them stay in one side while we all pick them off one by one or a few at a time thanks to the pulsar's explosion/knockback."
Rooms full of zombies are trivial, though, with nearly any gun or sword. The only mostly zombie rooms that are a meaningful danger are those where something else provides the danger, such as status traps, trojans, or phantoms. Saying to get a weapon because it's good against zombies is like saying to get a weapon because it's good in tier 1.
original comment: "I was running with idiot noobs who kept messing me up, so that means the gun is awful, even though I have a friend who did really well with it!"
latest comment: "Wow, lots of people have proved me wrong with first-hand experiences, but I'll just keep denouncing them with bad logic to save my pride! I'll never admit that guns (like all weapons) are good when not used by idiots, because my swords and I are better anyway"
Back to the original topic, Pulsar is one of the best guns I have ever owned. It deals excellent damage and the knockback is great for crowd control. It eclipses the whole "charge up sword while kiting rooms full of death" method, and although the knockback can be inconvenient at times, when I see hordes of monsters approcahing I just fire a few shots from the very powerful pulsar to disperse them and keep them at bay.
That said, Catalyzer is also a nifty gun, but it only shines when you play solo. The bullets are slow and weak enough that you can out-damage it normally with a shadowtech (or blaster if you're doing the normal line), but the real kick comes from the charge shots--the explosions. It's a cool gun, but it's terrible in parties when your 3 sword party members demolish your target in the time it takes you to set 2 charges on it--it's essentially a slower, but potentially more powerful version of Pulsar, and really shines when solo or with team mates who work with you--either have catalyzers of their own, or don't get drawn to every mob with multiple charges on it.
A player who spams a pulsar everywhere is kind of like a basketball player who takes way too many shots. His own stats might look good, but he's not helping the team win.
"Wow, lots of people have proved me wrong with first-hand experiences,"
I've had lots of first hand experience with a lot of different people using pulsar. And the overwhelming majority of them (as I said above, all but one) were bad experiences. If I were to take to kicking someone from the group as soon as he fires a pulsar line gun for the first time, I'd tend to end up with better groups. The same is not true of any other weapon line in the game, whether sword, gun, or bomb.
Perhaps I should back up a bit and concede that correlation does not imply causation. It's entirely possible that bad players tend to be disproportionately attracted to the pulsar line, which would lead to pulsar-wielding players being worse than normal.
I've actually seen a lot of this in various class-based MMORPGs. Good players will tend to distribute themselves more evenly among classes than bad players, as bad players tend to be attracted to only a few classes. Bad players tend to especially like damage dealers and stealth classes, while avoiding healers. The damage dealing and stealth classes aren't bad classes in themselves, but an average player of those classes is less useful to the group because he's not as good of a player.
On the other hand:
And there's also the issue that a bad player with a pulsar can cause vastly more trouble for a group than a bad player with any other weapon. The only other notably problematic weapon is people charging a sword and knocking lumbers halfway across the map, but there, the problem clearly isn't the sword, but rather, the idiot wielding it. And that's very, very easy to avoid while using a sword, unlike a pulsar, where you have to conscientiously avoid shooting at anything that is near any teammates.
Do the pulsar's explosions hit dodging monsters?
If I were to take to kicking someone from the group as soon as he fires a pulsar line gun for the first time, I'd tend to end up with better groups. The same is not true of any other weapon line in the game, whether sword, gun, or bomb.
Actually, I get the shivers whenever I see Blast line bombs or Calibur line swords turn up in pugs. I've found that the key to surviving in those groups is at times to pay more attention to what my "teammates" (and I use that term loosely) are doing than the monsters. I can clear both pre-boss levels of the Jelly Palace while only getting hit a total of 2 or 3 times. I'm not saying I'm really all that good, but those levels are pretty damned easy once you approach them the right way. Yet I've had pugs where I've not only taken piles and piles of damage, but I've actually died several times on the way to JK, almost exclusively through people knocking Lumbers or Jelly cubes across the room at me while they were attacking.
The Calibur especially was the bane of my existence for a while. I've only ever had two people with Blast bombs make my life hell, and I'll admit that most of the time bombers are only slightly less rare than gunslingers, and they tend to be better team players. Calibur-wielding swordsmen, on the other hand, are a dime a dozen, and most of them are still at the "Rar! Charge!" *swing-swing-swing-die* stage they get in T1.
As a melee guy the Pulsar's knockback may be to your liking. The Catalyzer is very fun though, especially on bigger enemies. The Catalyzer also causes knockback but you need to chrage an enemy then shoot them with a regular blast. There's plenty of pros and cons for both so if you could provide us with more of an idea of what you're looking for it'd help us be able to recommend a gun.