We know the Duskers (Wolver family) are gone. The normal Wolvers replaced them in Tier 2 and the shock Wolvers have taken the Duskers' skin (ANIMAL CRUELTY).
Leading to this: Has anyone seen the Brute Jelly Cube recently (no more than two weeks ago)? I play on low quality so what ends up happening is that the non-mini jelly cubes are a dark purple-pink cubic blobs for me. I suspect they're stronger versions of the Jelly Cube so they might have replaced the Brute Jelly Cube.
When I figure out how to upload animated gifs onto the Wiki every monster will have a gif of their own D<
I think the BROOT JELLEH have gone under a makeover to their new fashionable pink state. On my PC (still parted out on the floor for spring cleaning...sigh) the big pinks are quite shiny.