selling mighty colbollt helm 250k cr
selling heavy plate mail 100k cr
message me if u want to buy willing to haggle only on the mighty colbolt helm the creen name is Xklox
selling mighty colbollt helm 250k cr
selling heavy plate mail 100k cr
message me if u want to buy willing to haggle only on the mighty colbolt helm the creen name is Xklox
Lol that's like saying: (No offense) Haha, you suck. Have a nice day knowing you suck! Lol
But yah wrong forum and Hugh prices
Not only is this the wrong forum for these items.
And not only are these items subjectively not worth the prices you've set up.
But furthermore you're charging almost 7 times the crafting cost for the mighty cobalt helm, going as low as 6 times if you include very generous assumptions on the prices of the materials and heat labour involved. Additionally you're also charging just over 7 times the crafting cost for the heavy plate mail.
I sincerely hope that no one messages you only to experience severe buyer's remorse after realizing the prices.
Have a good day. =)