
Incoming people whining about how it'll break the economy somehow.

Krogmo's Coliseum will be opening soon and its first event, Blast Network will be available to all Spiral Knights. Blast Network is an explosive event where Knights are equipped with instant-charging bombs and try to blow their competition to bits.
I'm detecting large amounts of Bomberman influence. This is a good thing, I never win but I still have so much fun in those games. (Rainbow Arena anyone?)
bombing. I can't wait. hehe...
I hope there's a way to practice without having to spend energy / crowns (but also being unable to earn anything, obviously). If there is, it means we should be able to finally get some good testing in on how good defense UV's are!

The no cooldown part scares me. LAAAG-fest
Yay! Sounds like a... blast.
Also, it seems monsters really like to wear crowns. Jelly King now has some royal competition.

Very excited, this promises to bring lots of new fun and games to SK as well as new gear and items! Very excited and I assume soon means before the month is up maybe in 1 or two weeks even!? Time to start thinking about PVP gear for sure.
I'm looking forward to Bomberman in SK form :D!
OMG THIS WILL BREAK THE ECONOMY because people will spend their crowns in the Colosseum instead of making crowns in the clockworkz!!!!1111
Quick, everyone, trade all your energy and crowns for ecto drops, it's the only reliable currency now!
Also sounds like a lot of fun :D
I like the direction of these past updates.
Munition Factory - More explosion
Pvp - More explosion
Next update? - More explosion?
Eventually we'll find the core is made of a mix of Uranium and Plutonium.

Eventually we'll find the core is made of a mix of Uranium and Plutonium.
Or the core boss will be a reference to Michael Bay.

I can't wait to blow a bunch of knights up.
I hope some of the new content is armor.
Although I won't be complaining about any of the
new equipment because i'll be to busy in PvP.
Or the core boss will be a reference to Michael Bay.
Well the planet is a giant transformer that changes like every day. How much more of a reference you need? I bet the core is going to just be the mechanical organs of this giant creature we've been stuck on for god knows how long.
Anyways, I'm glad to see PvP coming, not really excited bout the bomb part, but I'll deal with it being as it will be new stuff and I'll feel obligated to try it.

Wonder what the recipes inside his alchemy machine are...
Magikat hats?
Frog suits?
No cooldown bombs?

Imagine one nitronome going off. now imagine a tiny arena with 2-(how ever many is allowed to take place in one time) of these going of continuously... with no charge time!!! :D sounds like chaos to me. but it will be so awesome :P can't wait!

no, the core boss is Chuck Norris...
imagine a no cooldown graviton vortex....
No charge time does not mean instant detonation, remember!

Forget blowing the bajeebus out of jellies..... feeding Riodaisho with a stack of bombs will be much more entertaining.
but when they say bomb.... I'm unsure if it'll be the ones on our arsenals, or they just give us some small radius stuff =/
Elite bombers: at your marks.
"I'm unsure if it'll be the ones on our arsenals, or they just give us some small radius stuff =/"
Early beta bombs were instant-plant and had a small radius. You catch a few brief glimpses of them in one of the early trailers. I sometimes wonder if the Proto Bomb's piddly tiny disappointing blast radius was balanced around the instant-plant setup.
The PvP bomb will probably not be tiny like that.
(Krogmo's name backwards is OMG Ork. Hmm.
"On the Skylark's hull
I planted a Nitronome
Blood for the Blood God.")

Gigafreak..... i've been playing since 09. I know.
but i don't like the idea of sun shards flying everywhere.... it will just be abused again. xD
However I'm sure they worked it out and i should't worry. AND If it IS inventory stuff.... well ima vortex you, freeze you; DPS you with Sunshards then blow the bajeebus out of you with BAB =p
and what happens if one doesn't have a bomb? I guess we'll find out.

My prediction is small-radius blast bombs, ala bomberman-ish. I figure if they are giving us generic gear most likely it will be stuff that does damage - no fire/freeze/etc...
But who knows, only time will tell :) And I'm super excited to see it in action
Release time: "Soon" so it may take weeks, even months.