Help me! I just want these GONE!

8 replies [Last post]
Bigfootm's picture

Duuurrrrppp. I must thank you for reading this.

I'm selling a Ctr med cold snap (lol, good for FSC)
and a Ctr low gaze bomb

Not wanting much for either, just wanting them gone.

If you troll my thread I expect 25 CE or 1k crowns.

Pffffttttt. Graveyarfing this due to trolls.

Rommil's picture
post them on the AH

Look big, you're not new here. You know the Bazaar is for "premium" goods--or at the very least, 5 star, which clearly these are not. Quit cluttering up the already cluttered message board with mediocre, unimpressive weapon threads.

Keep using it to searching for, and trying to sell, high end, high+ UV'd gear.
And try to condense your thoughts into as few posts, and as few threads as possible. No need to make 3 posts in every thread you touch, and no need to make multiple threads everytime you have a new item.

Sit down, think through what it is you want, why you want and what you want to give for it thoroughly. Write it down on paper, double check it, and then make a post clearly stating those thoughts. [this will keep you from posting in three different threads "#1 i think i want a catalsy. #2 i think i want a pulsar. #3 err..catalyst. #4 yep, a pulsar for sure].

Sit down, think trough--again thoroughly--what you want to sell. Double check, "Is this an item thats going to have a 'WOW' factor when people see it? No? Well then, is it 5* high-end gear that someone might want to pay extra for, to skip the process of making it? No? Then put it on the AH, and save this forum the unnecessary clutter."

chances are that if its an item that has you saying both "i just want this gone" and "not wanting much for it" then its not worth posting it in the bazaar. Just go put it on the AH and be done with it. Not only will it "just [get] gone" you also "[won't get] much for it" which is exactly what you just stated that you wanted.

Just start a thread titled
"BigfootM WTB/WTS" and keep everything that you want to buy and sell listed in that thread. You can update, edit, and manage as necessary. I think i speak for the majority on here when i say we'd appreciate that. (not everyone, but the majority.)

Bigfootm's picture
Stop trolling. I expect the

Stop trolling. I expect the troll fee from you.

Bigfootm's picture
And did you ever think I

And did you ever think I tried the Bigfootm wtb WTS sell thread?
I've tried plenty of times and I don't get a single post. Next time think before you post.

/think Dur.

Legacy Username
i agree with philidor

stop trying to get attention to yourself by posting so much on forums...
maybe the reason why people dont comment on your posts is because no one interested in some of the stuff you sell....

just tryin to be honest broda

Bigfootm's picture
Troll Alert

Mail expected from you do.

Also, I sell other UVs, mats, items, etc.

"think before you post" This

"think before you post"

This seriously made me lol. Bigfootm, have you seen ur posts? LOL. Ill link some for u if u dont remember, i think u need to really think about what YOU say.
And someone seriously tried to help u, and i doubt u read all of it.

And those items are pretty lame. U want them gone? Post in AH. No one wants ur stuff.

Ps. You arent worthy of any crowns or ce. You are one of the biggest trolls.

Legacy Username
calling me a troll

look at the guy who comments on most of people's posts on this forum...


*highfive* ichiban :D

+1 for philidor's

+1 for philidor's post

Bigfootm, for being a guild leader, you should be a little better in the forums
....and Im pretty sure you made a topic like this a few hours ago with the coldsnap anyways -.-