Knightmare --- Mature Guild --- Shadow Lairs --- 10-30 Players Online 24/7 --- 17 Months of Success --- Forums --- Vent

366 replies [Last post]
Chris's picture


Kngster's picture
My long app

Date you started playing Spiral Knights: 07/11
Time played on average per day: 5-6 hrs
Time played on average per week: Steam says 90 every 2 weeks, so 45/week
Normal play hours(PST): 5-530am-7am and 215 - 4-7pm and 9-11
Tier experience: 3
Killed Snarbolax?: Solo
Killed Roarmulus Twins?: Solo
Killed Jelly King?: Solo
Killed Vanaduke?: Solo - if on a good compy + network. Getting my Area 51 ATX back.
Soloed your way to the core?: Many times
Been to the core?: Many times
How you acquire energy: $, Selling, Rolling
Current set of gear: Oh god, do u really want to know all my items? :O No, ill only list some. the rest - is secret :3


BTB: VH Fiend
Glac: VH CTR
Levi: Fiend Medium
Combuster: Low Undead
3 other 4*'s
Leveling a Shock Brandish Line VH CTR


Polaris VH CTR
8 other 4*'s im leveling


Shiv Buster: Med CTR
Electron Vortex: Med CTR
Stagger Storm: Med CTR
Venom Veiler: Med CTR
+ 5 other 4* bombs im leveling


Mad Bomber: Med Normal + Med Piercing
Sunset Stet: High Shad + Low Piercing (waiting on heat)
Dusker: Max Ele + Low Freeze (also as above)
Wyvern Scale Helm: High Shad (also as above)


Vog Cub Coat: Med Piercing + Med Freeze
Nameless Poncho: Max Piercing
Heavy Demo: High Elemental + Low curse (heat)


BTS: Med Shad, Low ele, low pierce - want to keep 3 uv rolling that one
Black Crest (heat)
Wyvern Scale Shield (heat)

Preferred Costume Set:

Tab of the White + PAX Bombhead


DMG bonus sword/gun/bomb + Tri-Heart

Previous guilds?: Active
Active in solo PvP?: As long as its lockdown
Active in team PvP?: Could be

Chris's picture
Invited you Kngster

Invited you Kngster

Chris's picture
We have one open spot right

We have one open spot right now, and should have a couple more in a day or two.

Michaelb's picture
Kngster, I thought you were

Kngster, I thought you were in FnBn.

Chris's picture
For noobs by noobs is a guild

For noobs by noobs is a guild for newer players, I'm sure plenty of them leave for top end game guilds like knightmare

Chris's picture
We have a few open spots now,

We have a few open spots now, updating title

Chris's picture
Just invited two more people

Just invited two more people to the guild, we have room for maybe 5 more, only accepting mature + active applicants.

Season's picture
im intrested

Date you started playing Spiral Knights: right after the launch but i took a break at the release of the AH and returned at the release of PVP
Time played on average per day: 3-4
Time played on average per week: 21ish
Normal play hours(GMT): 7-11(eastern)
Tier experience:3
Killed Snarbolax?: solo
Killed Roarmulus Twins?: solo
Killed Jelly King?: solo
Killed Vanaduke?: yes, can solo mid way into the 3rd phase w/o dying
Soloed your way to the core?: yes
Been to the core?: yes
How you acquire energy: playing the game
Current set of gear: skolver helm, vog armor, DA, Faust is my normal setup
Previous guilds?: Shadow Mercenaries
Active in solo PvP?: yeah
Active in team PvP?: could be if my guild did team pvp

BTW my characters name is: Season

Chris's picture
Welcome to Knightmare Season

Welcome to Knightmare Season :)

I want to join

Date you started playing Spiral Knights:IDK but it was before roarmulus twins came out
Time played on average per day:2 hours
Time played on average per week:12 hours
Normal play hours(GMT):1-3 hours
Tier experience:teir3
Killed Snarbolax?:yes,solo
Killed Roarmulus Twins?:yes,solo
Killed Jelly King?:yes,solo
Killed Vanaduke?:yes
Soloed your way to the core?:yes from emberlight but not through vanduke
Been to the core?:yes
How you acquire energy:get cr from tier3 runs
Current set of gear:Dragon scale helm,Vog cub coat,Blackhawk,Dark thorn sheild,Combuster
Previous guilds?:yes,Fallen Crusader(officer)
Active in solo PvP?:yes alot
Active in team PvP?:some times

What makes YOU the person we should accept into our guild over our other applicants?:well i guess i have talent for the game. my other 5 star freinds asked me if i was pro once because i beat the 15 gun puppys in i think was the jelly farm level in tier3 when they were all dead.other than that IDK what else there is,im also working on 3 other armor sets.


Chris's picture
Lord-Void you will be given a

Lord-Void you will be given a trial run, your application leaves us asking ourselves some questions we think will be answered after we see how you play and act a little bit.

Welcome to Knightmare :)

my plans for the weeks has changed

so i will be on in between 5pm-10pm sorry for the trouble i may have caused and i'm ready for any test you give i look foward to it

Chris's picture
There wont really be any

There wont really be any tests, we will just be seeing how active and mature you are, if you are some annoying little kid or you never log on you will probably be removed xP

Thoranhippo's picture
Is that mature to claim being

Is that mature to claim being the best in everything, to keep denying everything proving you wrong, and such?
just sayin'

Deus-Ex-Magnus's picture
Hey guys.

Hey just thought you guys should know about this guy. I recommend removing this child from your guild before he makes your guild look even worse. So you may want to reprimand him or kick him from the guild.

You know, save face and all that.

Chris's picture
@ Lavatein Never once said

@ Lavatein

Never once said I'm the best, but I know I am one of the best, I've proven that factually.

@ Deus-Ex-Magnus
I hope you are a Magnus alt, if not, your name is pathetic.
Quit flaming our thread from alts.

Thoranhippo's picture
"Never once said I'm the

"Never once said I'm the best, but I know I am one of the best, I've proven that factually"
yeah right *rolleyes*. You might haven proven to yourself, and I'm sure considering how huge your ego is, it was pretty fast, that you're one of the best. Now get ahead of proving it to everybody else. In case you hadn't noticed yet, 'n I'm just sayin, all you've managed to prove so far with your facts, which actually have nothing out of the ordinary, is that you're the sickest player of SK. It's just so obvious to notice how nobody approves your theories on you being the best at whatever, PvP for example with outstanding 6k dmg games (OMG! I just do 3 times that at half my games), or BN with your again, "outstanding" 100+ points (121 is my personnal record, again I had no need to tell ppl on that or even picture it), and last of all, probably the best, you soloing vanaduke on a video, like thousands of people do every day, including myself...leads me to think you're getting real high on something strong enough to keep you 3 galaxies away from the freaking reality: nobody takes a damn about your so called feats, buuuut having threads like yours is a huge entertainment for everyone. You get totally broken like every 5 posts, wether that's when you say you're not spending any money here while saying in game you've spent 400-500$ in what apparently seemed to be a small lapse of time, not even your ENTIRE playtime ( ..yeouch), or wether its about your legendary "join date", or even with your ridiculous attempts to f up with other guilds.
Maaaan, you need to caaaalm down, take a deep breath and have a real thought about every of those ridiculous threads you've been lining up for the last 7 days. I suggest you re-read yourself, and seriously think about what kind of reputation you're covering yourself in; and no mean to discourage you but you'll have a certainly hard time untying yourself with that stupid image of yourself you've given to SK community: a boasty, void jerk.

Chris's picture
You posting here again just

Stop flaming our thread please.

Thoranhippo's picture
I don't have anything to envy

I don't have anything to envy to a sick ass spending his lifetime and earnings on virtual beings. I like how you say you never answer to my posts when you do answer to every of them. You're not any important, you're just the guy I love to make fun of right now. Last I recall of was GodOfSkype1, you remind me a bit of him. On a sidenote, I don't have this narcissic nature that pushes me to take SS or videos of anything I do on a game, especially when 1 million other accounts can potentially accomplish the same things with minimum efforts (clicking+pressing keys doesn't require much).
PS: to copy your usual reply scheme: I bet you will respond to this, because you aren't a man at all, you're barely a zombie spending his time staring at his screen, wishing so hard he was an actual Spiral Knights. Prove you're worth a bit more than that, step out of your chair and go get you a life. Spending hundreds of dollars on a FREE to play game is a terrible sign of emotional weakness and lack of social life.

Kennergy's picture
Please keep this out of our

Please keep this out of our guild recruitment thread. Thanks! :)

Chris's picture
Lol Lavatein posted again,

Stop posting here Lavatein.

Chris's picture
Farming the pumpkin king now,

Farming the pumpkin king now, I got a great method :D

Chris's picture
Done getting all 3 masks

Done getting all 3 masks

Jim-Dale's picture
I am inquired to join your

I am inquired to join your social assortment of well minded gentlemen, may I ask how much male appendage I have to consume in order to join?

Chris's picture
Two arms and a leg.

Two arms and a leg.

Tberry's picture

this guild knightmare is AWESOME very fun and we love van a killing

lol chris i have never talked

lol chris i have never talked to you IG, but I would LOVe to know how you think you have proven youre one of the best.


Chris's picture
Good talking to you in-game

Good talking to you in-game :)

Kennergy's picture
Kenergy SALE! 10 Kenergy for

Kenergy SALE! 10 Kenergy for 10 million crowns! :P

Golza is so sexy!

Chris's picture
Downed Darkfire Vanaduke with

Downed Darkfire Vanaduke with a full guild run.
Was ez.

I've been streaming runs now as well. Check to see if I am online.

Chris's picture
Just removed a wave of

Just removed a wave of inactives. Looking for some new recruits!

Kennergy's picture
Looking for skilled recruits

Looking for skilled recruits who want to run Shadow Lairs! We can get a race going. Sounds fun!

Chris's picture
Owned some shadow lairs on

Owned some shadow lairs on stream :3

Chris's picture
Looking to try out about 6

Looking to try out about 6 more people for perm spots in Knightmare.

Chris's picture
Welcome to Knightmare

Welcome to Knightmare Charlietrooper.

Trying out a few people later tonight.

joining guild

Hey Chris this is Obey_Egnite. i am interested in joining your guild.

i have beat vana with 3 people. in all beat him 14 times
i beat jelly king solo
snarbolax solo
twins two people
tried shadow lair but to laggy

I use Leviathan blade, Grand flourish, getting another Divine Avenger and 8 other 3* 2* and 1*
I got silver six, strike needle, killowat pulsar and 5 other 3* 2* and 1*
Ashtail cap/coat. sinister skelly cap and other weak ones
blackened crest, stone tortoise and getting dark thorn sheild

I hope you take my application under consideration

Omuraisu's picture
Oh my God, they killed Kenny!

Oh my God, they killed Kenny! ...You /b/tards!

Glander's picture
IGN: Glander guild application

Around what day did you start playing Spiral Knights (or how long ago)?:1 year ago (but my account got ban from my cousins so i started a week ago XD)

About how many hours do you play per day on average?:around 5 or 6

About how many hours do you play per week on average?:35 or 42

What are your normal play hours (GMT): weekends:10am-5pm /fri-mon:5pm-9pm

What tiers do you have experience with? (1,2,3+ shadow lairs?):1,2,3 gonna do shadow lair soon for snarblox coat

Which of the regular bosses (if not all) have you killed?: snarblox,twins,and JK(i gone through FSC just not try to beat vana yet i went with 1 person)

Are you able to solo all content minus shadow lairs and danger rooms?:yes

What shadow Lair bosses have you killed?:none

How you acquire energy?:rolling,profiting items,rolling,and recipe grinding

Please list your current and strongest set(s) of gear: idk which my strongest cause mater by stage but i list all i got

faust 4* (unbounded and selling) UV:low gremlin and low constuct (gonna be sold)
swift flouish 3* (grand flourish 5*)
iceburst brandish 3* UV: low slime (Glacius 5*)
sealed sword 3* (GF 5*)

Kilowatt pulsar 3* (polaris 5*)

ashtail cap 4* (vog cub cap 5*)

ashtail coat 4* (snarblox coat 5*)

dark thorn shield 4* (barb thorn shield 5*)
Have you been in any guilds previously? If so, which ones? Timeless

Are you active in Blastnetwork? Lockdown?: LOVE lockdown.Blastnetwork not so much.

Why should we accept you into our guild over the other applicants we get? cause i'm loyal person. i'm experienced and know the place of FSC,JK,twins,snarby even the secret button in FSC to get the red boxes.If i get invited to knightmare i would never leave it and never do anything to put at risk of leaving it.
PLZ invite "bows"

Konurb's picture
Guild Alliances

Hi chris I was wondering if you would have an alliance with my new guild called Jelly Hunters so we can do boss runs together and guild lockdown matches
against each other.

Any ways



Hey Chris I beat JElly solo

Hey Chris

I beat JElly solo 12 times

Beat Twins 3 times solo outta 3 times

Beat vana with 3 people 2 deaths

I use Strike needle, silversix, leviathan blade, killowatt pulsar., grand flourish, blackened crest, stone tortoise, dark thorn sheild, plus 10 other 3,2,1

i have sinister skelly mask, ashtail cap and coat and other

my guild is The Risen

played for 7 months

hope you take my app under consideration

Around what day did you start

Around what day did you start playing Spiral Knights (or how long ago)?----------------------------------------8 months ago

About how many hours do you play per day on average?:----------------------------- 2-4 hours

About how many hours do you play per week on average?----------------------------------14 hours-16

What are your normal play hours (GMT):------------------------- 2-4 hours

What tiers do you have experience with? (1,2,3+ shadow lairs?):-----------------Teir 3,2 and 1 and once shadow

Which of the regular bosses (if not all) have you killed?----------------------------All

Are you able to solo all content minus shadow lairs and danger rooms?:--------------------------danger room not shadow lair

What shadow Lair bosses have you killed?:---------------------------------------- None

How you acquire energy?:----------------------------------------- i get cr than make ce

Please list your current and strongest set(s) of gear----------------------- Leviathan blade, grand flourish, other 3,2,1 */ silversix, strikeneedle, killowatt pulsar and other 3,2,1*-----------------------------------i use ashatail cap and coat, sinisterskelly mask and other 3,2,1 *

Have you been in any guilds previously? If so, which ones?-----------------------------The Risen

Are you active in Blastnetwork? Lockdown?:-----------------------------------Yes

Chris's picture
Sent you a friend request

Sent you a friend request Konurb.

Three spots open. Only looking for outstandingly mature and active players to fill them.

Glander's picture
Chris reply:

Yes sir i'm hoping you do this seriously i'm fine if you won't want me in cause not strong or good gear enough but i'm trying my best to work for it and achieving most of my goals.

Chris's picture
Removed some inactives

Removed some inactives

Dan-Ozborne's picture
RvRchamp Application

Around what day did you start playing Spiral Knights (or how long ago)?:
About a month ago... I have played multiple mmo's over the years including WoW and DaoC

About how many hours do you play per day on average?:
Too many... at least that is what my wife says. haahaa Seriously though, about 2-4 depending on the day.

About how many hours do you play per week on average?:
2-4 times 7 is 14-28

What are your normal play hours (GMT):
I work as a school teacher, so I usually log on after class until evening time. So about 3pm-8pm PST

What tiers do you have experience with? (1,2,3+ shadow lairs?):
All three... I am learning t3 now, but do fairly well

Which of the regular bosses (if not all) have you killed?:
d: all of the above (including solo twins and snarlbox)

Are you able to solo all content minus shadow lairs and danger rooms?:
Yes, and able to solo some bosses and danger rooms too) not t3 danger rooms though)

What shadow Lair bosses have you killed?:
d: None of the above ... I haven't been able to find groups or people doing shadowlair yet, and I am workin on getting the last level or two before I change my wpns into 5*

How you acquire energy?:
I bought a battlepack to get me going, and have become self sufficient since then. I also have a few bot accounts to me craft on (been selling off the uv's for nice crowns). All total though, I am making recipe runs and selling the crafted gears for crowns or ce.

Please list your current and strongest set(s) of gear:
Vog Cub Cap, Ash Tail Coat high elemental (leveling it so I can 5* it), Dark Thorn Shield (need one more level before I bump it to 5*), Avenger/Faust/Dark Thorn Barb/Gigawatt Pulsar (All need one last heat level for 5*),

Have you been in any guilds previously? If so, which ones?
Wolvers... They were cool, but it was a blind invite and not active enough for me.

Are you active in Blastnetwork? Lockdown?:
I play both a few times a day. Still working on getting some nice uv's for lockdown so I'm still playing in my lv10 wolver gear

And Finally:
Why should we accept you into our guild over the other applicants we get?
I think you should accept me because i'm a fun guy, I know how to play and I don't make many noob mistakes. I think I can prove to be a useful addition to the Knightmare team, and would like the opportunity to prove it.

~ champ

Kennergy's picture

I sent a friend request. We can try you out soon. Thanks for choosing Knightmare :)

Chris's picture
Bump 2 spots left open

2 spots left open

Hello Icycloud or others in

Hello Knightmare i am very interested in joining your guild.

I am fully 5* equipted with 1 trink slot upgrade (plan of making 2nd) and one weapon slot upgrade.

In Game screen name: Scaremongering

head: scover (UV of peirceing reduction max)
coat: vog cub (UV of posion low)
Trinket: Elite slash mod
sheild: Grey Owlet sheild
Weapon1: Leviathen blade(UV beast & undead low)
weapon2: Divine avenger (UV slime low)
weapon3: polaris (UV attack speed incress)

i have other gear but this is my main set up.

I am 25 years old and mature.

I am located in eastern US.

I have 415 hours of game play under my belt

I have plenty of Vana runs under my belt and also have done my Gold survivers achievement on a vana run hehe.

Can solo run t3 arenas and even on my home comp (will explain later). I once also solo'ed a depth 28 danger room (it was last lvl and my partner droped out of the group and seid heck y not nothing left in the run to do hehe)

I farm energy by doing a mist run in the most profitable gate daily and reselling 5* recipes. I havent spent real $$ and dont plan to anytime soon sorry.

My main reason for wanting to join a guild is shadow runs. I plan on starting to farm towards shadow keys shortly. I dont mean to sound self centered but i need good teammates and hope to share the rewards and fun along the way.

I come with only one condition :( i dont do vana, twins, or any shadow runs during the week. My Comp at home isnt the best and can't handle all the flame effects but i go over my friends house every week end and thats when i do vana runs, pvp, or shadow runs. So it's just t3 farming during the week for me.

Njthug's picture
Why is there no mention of

Why is there no mention of Sharkiez in Knightmare history since he the creator of Knightmare and made sure the guild stayed pretty active during beta?